Yearly Archives: 2001

Diary Entry for 10/28/2001

Cloudy day. Cold. Some snow in places over night. I baked some brownies. I got card from Vern and June from Virginia. Jolie and kids called in PM. Jolie called on her way to Seattle airport to pick up Carla and Michael. First World Series game NYYankees1 and Arizona Diamond Backs 9.

Diary Entry for 10/29/2001

Back on old time. Cloudy day. I went to church with Jim and Sherri. 118 there. Steve and Kathy and girls here when I got home. We had a nice visit. They gave me their school pictures. Jolie called in evening. I talked with Carla. Nancy called in evening. Jim leaving for home in morning.

Diary Entry for 10/31/2001

Beautiful sunny morning and day. I went to exercise class. 10 there. Dawn gave us apple crisp. Coby brought me church tapes. I talked with Lorraine Brancatello. She has a MBI test tomorrow. Lyla called in PM. Jolie called after I went to bed.

Diary Entry for 11/3/2001

Nice day but cold wind. Elma Hershey moved into apartment next to where she was so her apartment next to me is empty again. She didn’t get along with neighbor over her upstairs. Too noisy. Sherri N called and asked me to go to Partridge Berry Inn for brunch after church tomorrow. She also said I could go to the Elks free dinner with them the 18th. So I won’t need to sign up for the bus. I cleaned apartment. Mopped floors.

Diary Entry for 11/4/2001

Nice today. Some rain in evening. I went to church with Sheri and Jim. I went with them after church to Partridge Berry Inn for brunch. Schaumberg, Girt Stanton, and another lady went also. Very nice food and time. Jim and Nancy here in PM. Jim brought me 6 boxes of Kleenex. Vernon called in PM. We had a nice visit. Jolie also called. She called later in evening and we watched the Arizona Diamondbacks win over the New York Yankees in the World Series, 4 games to 3.

Diary Entry for 11/6/2001

Nice today. VIP Meeting 2 PM. 8 out. Tom Dawley guest speaker. We planned Christmas banquet for December 20th. Tom D talked about some of the things that happened on the job. Crazy guy. I’m to be treasurer next year.

Diary Entry for 11/7/2001

A nice sunny day. 52° and 47°. I talked with Vi. I played Pedro in evening. Only two tables tonight. Tea Party 2 PM. A lovely party. 14 of the 16 eighty year or older attended. One is in hospital and the other not able to leave her room. J.B.Hughs played piano music. Marion Carvel put on tea. Cheryl helped her. Jessie called. She can’t come until Friday.

Diary Entry for 11/9/2001

Colder. Cold wind. I got some nice pictures from Joanne Rappole of Alicia’s party and Roger and Joanne’s 49th anniversary party at church. Jessie called. She has to work so will come tomorrow. Jim called in evening.

Diary Entry for 11/10/2001

Cold. Marie Ambrose called. She said she’d come after Vi and I for church tomorrow. Their Thanksgiving dinner with Evans Mills. Rev. Catherine Salisbury guest. I talked with Alice. Her granddaughter Charmaine is very ill with manic depression. I talked with Vi.

Diary Entry for 11/11/2001

Cold. Partly cloudy. 39° and 31°. I didn’t go to church. I’m still coughing a lot. Vern called and said they would be here after church. They took me to Appleby’s for lunch. We drove out to the cemetery. The stone looks nice since they leveled it. Juanita called. I called Jim. Twin Towers destroyed 2 month ago today. 3700 bodies still missing.

Diary Entry for 11/12/2001

Cold. Mostly sunny. A plane crash at JFK Airport. 266 on plane killed plus some on the ground. No mail. Paper came. Vi called in evening. Ginny Delles back in hospital. Lee came in for her cactus plant.

Diary Entry for 11/13/2001

Warmer. Sunny. Exercise class. Only a few there. Free food at 2:30. We got a nice variety of foods. Lyla called. I called Jim in evening. He was helping Fred and Marlene N remove floor tile at their home. I sent thank you to Joanne Rapppole.

Diary Entry for 11/18/2001

A great day. Warm. I went to church with Sherri and Jim. They youth had the service. They were great. It was pledge Sunday. We didn’t stay for covered dish dinner. We went for ride to Stone Mills and then to free senior citizens Thanksgiving at the Elks Club. All very nice. Jolie called in evening. We talked for almost 2 hours. Zack leaves the day after Thanksgiving for Louisiana for a month training. He gets home the day before Christmas. I talked with Vi in evening.

Diary Entry for 11/20/2001

Cold but nice. Snowing in Syracuse in AM. No exercise class. Dawn couldn’t come. Dr. Ford 9:45 AM. My eye pressure down to 12 and 14. I took Para Transit bus to and from eye center. I got birthday cards from Zack, Jolie and Shawn Michael, and Madison. Also Patty. Got Thanksgiving card from Patty also. I got a musical card from Lyla. Marion C put a birthday card under my door.

Diary Entry for 11/21/2001

A sunny day. In the 40’s. Elgin and Carmi called in the morning to wish me Happy Birthday. I talked with Lyla, Marge Thayer is in the hospital with pneumonia. Jim Nash stopped by with my bird book I loaned Sherri. He had a birthday card from them and one from the Centennial Club. I found one under my door from Wanda and Larry Bush. Nancy stopped by. Jim came as she was leaving He brought me one of his lovely birthday cords. Jolie, Zack, and Madison called in evening. Shawn Michael got braces on his teeth yesterday. Jill called I evening and we had a long visit.

Diary Entry for 11/22/2001

A great Thanksgiving day. Warm and sunny. Jim and I went to Vern and June’s for dinner. Steve and Kathy and girls there also. Vern not feeling good with the bug. A lovely turkey dinner. Vern and June gave me a nice plaid coat-jacket for my birthday. We went to Dan and Robin’s for dessert in PM. Paul, Corrie, her husband and daughter there also. Jordan gave me a nice pair of bedroom slippers from Dan’s. They sung Happy Birthday to me. We got back to city about 8 PM. I talked with Joel on Jim’s cell phone from Vern’s.

Diary Entry for 11/24/2001

60°. A nice day. Partly cloudy in PM. Very windy in PM and evening. Jill and Shane here in PM. Jim came on his bike in PM. Ladies out in the hall told him he looked like Willie Nelson. We talked with Madison in PM. Jolie called twice in evening. Zack left today for training in Louisiana for a month. I talked with Vi. Jean Gleason, 61, died this week.

Diary Entry for 11/25/2001

Still windy. Rained hard all day. 60° and 48°. I took a cab to church. Girt Stanton gave me ride home. Altar flowers in Merrill’s memory. 12 yellow carnations and 5 pink ones. Very pretty. Coby S here with church tapes. June called at 9 PM to say Vern went to the hospital about 3:30 PM after test they said he had a blockage plus the scope found he has gall stones. He was taken sick on Thursday. I called Jim. Jolie called twice. Jessie called to say she would be here at 11 AM.

Diary Entry for 11/26/2001

Cloudy. Warm. Jessie here. We went to store. Betty stopped by awhile with Jessie. June called about 8 PM. Vern doing a little better. He still has the stomach tubes. The doctor thinks he has just the gallstones. He will have operation later when infection clears up. I called Jim.

Diary Entry for 11/27/2001

Cloudy day. Cooler. I went to exercise class. Only 7 of us there. I called Juanita. Debby, Donnie, Melissa, and Breanne came for Thanksgiving. They were there four days. June called in evening. Vern got his stomach tube out today. They may remove his gallbladder before he goes home. Jim called. I called him back. Jim saw Dr. Peckham today. He may have a CAT scan on his back.

Diary Entry for 11/28/2001

I called Vernon in the hospital. He will probably have his operation at noon tomorrow. I called Jim. Jim called in evening. He has a MRI at the hospital in the morning at 8 AM for his back. Jolie called in evening.

Diary Entry for 11/29/2001

52° and 32° I went to exercise class. One more this period. Next Thursday. Dr Schepis 10:45. He did exam and filled one tooth on the left side. $95. I called Nancy Lawler in PM. She isn’t working and has signed up for disability. She has cancer of the liver. She asked for prayer. Jim called from Oswego Vern awake and eating. He had 3 huge gallstones. (Lyla had one huge one in her operation last year.) I talked with Lyla.

Diary Entry for 11/30/2001

Cloudy. Rain in late PM and evening. I washed clothes I AM. Vern called after lunch time. He had just gotten home from hospital. Sounded great and was feeling fine. Vi called. Ginny Delles real bad over in hospital.

Diary Entry for 12/1/2001

Another cloudy day. 50° ad 47°. I slept late this morning. I forgot about coffee and donut hour. Virginia and Gerald Delles’ 60th anniversary in the Times today. I hope Ginny is alert enough to see it. She wanted it so much. It was Tuesday, November 27th. Jim Nash brought ham dinners from church super. Very good.

Diary Entry for 12/2/2001

Cloudy in the AM. 47° and 36°. I went to Sunday school and church with Jim and Sherri. Faith Fellowship Baptist Church had service here in Metcalf Room at 2-3. I went. Very nice. I called Vern. He is doing okay. June was at a doings at church and he was going with Dan and Robin’s. Jim called in evening. He was in his garage. Jolie called in evening. She called again at 1:30 AM. I got out Christmas decorations.

Diary Entry for 12/3/2001

Cloudy. A few rain showers. I finished rest of decorations. Decorated tree this year. Centennial Club 7:30 PM. I went. A very good turnout. I cut three fingers on apron of the table. Larry Bush put band aids on them. My ring finger bled real hard. Jim called in evening.

Diary Entry for 12/4/2001

Nice day today. Merrill died a year ago today. I’m wearing one of his shirts today. I still miss him so much but I’m glad he no has to be in a nursing home. I went to exercise class. Nine of us there. New class starts next week. I showed Hope my cut fingers as Bill said to do. I gave Florence $5 toward staff Christmas gifts. Barbershop chorus here at 7:30PM. I forgot about them so didn’t go. Jim called in evening. Jolie called at 12:30 PM and woke me up.

Diary Entry for 12/5/2001

Another warm day. 60°. Lots of activity here decorating for Christmas. Setting up trees etc. Great fun feeling. Marion H played Christmas music. Jim here to take me to drug store. I sent information to Heap. Hope made me copies. Jim’s appointment with Dr. Peckham 8:15 AM. He has another ruptured disc, arthritis etc. He is going to see a doctor in Syracuse. Sherri N called to ask about my fingers. I played Pedro in evening. Only two tables.

Diary Entry for 12/7/2001

46° 29° some sun. Snow predicted tomorrow. I hurt my big toe. Maybe broke it. I fell in my bedroom. Bill put rubber handles on my door knobs so I can open my front door easier. Great to use. I talked with Dorothy Kellogg. I got several Christmas cards. Vi called. Ginny losing ground. Not a happy Christmas for the Delles family.

Diary Entry for 12/8/2001

My toe real sore. I’m sore from the fall. I’ve got a black and blue jaw and shin. I left a birthday message for Marion Carvelle on her birthday today. Jolie called in evening. I talked with Madison and Shawn Michael.

Diary Entry for 12/9/2001

37° and 28°. Finally snow. Beautiful this morning with everything white. The bright sun melted it all later. Four inches in Lowville. We went to church. Good turn out. I talked with Esther and Ken. Esther’s sister, Eleanor Hobbs Palmer, 92 year died. Jolie called in early evening. Talked to Madison.

Diary Entry for 12/11/2001

A nice sunny day. I went to exercise class. Good turn out. I worked at Christmas cards. Jim called on way home from Nancy’s. He’s been there for supper. Jolie and kids called late in evening. Today would have been our 66th wedding anniversary.

Diary Entry for 12/12/2001

Sunny. Christmas dinner at school. 12:30 PM. Bus picked us up at noon. We had a delicious dinner and the program by the kids was great. The new school is so nice. I played Pedro in evening. Only two tables of us. Jessie called in evening. She will be here tomorrow to clean.

Diary Entry for 12/13/2001

Raining. I went to exercise class. Dr. Schepis 2:45. Take antibiotic. I had other tooth filled. $80. Feels good to have them all good again. Jessie here to clean. We went to store. Jim came and took me to dentist as it was raining hard. He and Walt came back with a little decorated tree for me from Jolie, Zack, and kids. My garbage disposal quit. Bill is putting in a new one for me tomorrow.

Diary Entry for 12/14/2001

43° 32°. Cloudy day. Snow predicted. Bill installed a new garbage disposal for me. Should last ten years. I sent first Christmas cards. I washed clothes. Dorothy K called to say 13 are going to Shelby’s for VIP party. Merion Williams, 89 from here in car accident leaving parking lot. No injuries.

Diary Entry for 12/15/2001

Ground white with snow very slippery. Lots of accidents. 32° and 18°. Coffee and donuts this morning. I went to it. I got more Christmas cards. I made dish of red and green Jello to take to church dinner tomorrow. Jolie called. Jim’s “Road Dog” party is tonight.

Diary Entry for 12/16/2001

Cold. A nice day. 30° and 13° I went to church with Jim and Sherri. We had a covered dish dinner followed by the Sunday school program all put on by the young people. The Reimers are back in Watertown. Got here last night. They came to church. They are both doctors and have been missionaries in Africa the past few years. Jolie called in evening. Fire at Salmon Run Mall at Midnight. (Barkeaters Restaurant.) Lots of sirens.