A great day. Sunny 85° and 68°. Jim leaves for Boston this morning. I worked on checkbook. Had to stop because of my eyes. My checkbook and the bank differ.
Yearly Archives: 2001
Diary Entry for 9/9/2001
Hot and very humid. Too hot to work. A lazy day. Worked at checkbook some. Hard for me to see today.
Diary Entry for 9/10/2001
Very hot. 86°. Humid. I went to church with Sherri and Jim N. We went back at 3 PM to great Bishop Fisher. The youth group danced. All great. Jolie called in late PM.
Diary Entry for 9/11/2001
Raining in AM. Cleared in PM. Cooler. Windy. Centennial club at 7:30 PM
Diary Entry for 9/12/2001
A cool ay. 68° A terrible day in history. Both 110 foot high World Trade Center hit by hijacked American 747 jets and destroyed also two other jets hit the Pentagon in Washington and crashed in Pennsylvania. Thousands of people killed or burned and hurt. Just horrid. Other buildings burned. Many police and fireman killed. I’ve watched TV all day. Juanita, Jolie, and Jim called. Jim got home from Boston last night. The terrorist must have been in Boston as two of the flights took off from there. United Airlines, and American Airlines. We got a lot of free food today. Primary Day postponed.
Diary Entry for 9/13/2001
A nice day. Cool. I watched TV most all day. Much new information. Everything leads to Ben Laden and his followers. His pilots trained in this country. I called Lyla in PM. Jim filed for bankruptcy today. I called him in evening. He was at Nancy’s. I didn’t play Pedro in evening. My eyes hurting. I put my silk flag on my door and the one that came in the Times on my window.
Diary Entry for 9/14/2001
Some rain in morning. A nice day. Jessie here to clean. We went to Big M. Also up to Hazel’s. I went to exercise class. The airports are opening on a limited schedule. Some firemen found alive in ruble. I called for an appointment with Shirley for a permanent. September 19 at 1:30.
Diary Entry for 9/15/2001
68° light frost predicted tonight. President Bush has called today a national day of prayers for the people of New York and Washington, DC. I’ve watched TV all day. A lot of emotions. Church services all day. The President visited the destroyed World Trade Center to meet all the dedicated workers. It is amazing how much information the FBI has gathered. Arrests have been made.
Diary Entry for 9/16/2001
Cold all day. Sunny 60° I called drug store about my Cosopt eye drops. A bottle only lasts 18 days. Nellie McIntosh is removing her furniture from her apartment on her hall. Jolie called in evening. Eight Guilfoyle employees and ambulances left for New York City to help out for a couple days.
Diary Entry for 9/17/2001
68°. Cold wind. I went to church and Sunday school with Nash’s. Very patriotic music and service today. Jim called in evening He was at home.
Diary Entry for 9/18/2001
Cool but a nice day. 66°. Kinney’s brought my medicines. I talked with Vi and Esther. Ginny Delles is in Syracuse hospital bleeding has stopped. I got gif subscription to large print upper room from Vernon. I sent Madison birthday card and $5. Sent $5 to Shawn Michael.
Diary Entry for 9/19/2001
Warmer. Partly cloudy. Partly sunny. Exercise class. Only a few out. Alice F called. We had a great visit. It has been awhile since we talked. Good to catch up on Philadelphia folks. Lee was in to look at my cactus plant. It has another bud getting ready to open. It blossomed in evening. Florence was in to see it.
Diary Entry for 9/20/2001
Temperature 78° high and 48° low. Sunny. I took bus to and from the doctors. Appointment with Dr. LaPoint at 10 AM. Everything good. Blood pressure 120/82. Weight 147. Permanent at 1:30 with Shirley. Merion C was here to see plant. I played Pedro in evening. Lidia fell in hall today but didn’t get hurt. Just some black and blue. I called Vern in evening. They leave for Rotary conference at Saratoga Springs tomorrow.
Diary Entry for 9/21/2001
Raining off and on. warm. I went to exercise class. I washed clothes. I got letter from Epic saying I’ve met my co payment limit so I will not have to pay for my drugs for the rest of the year which runs out in May 2002. Esther called to say the Rebekah’s will meet next Wednesday. Ginny is home from Syracuse hospital. Lola called about trip to Old Forge.
Diary Entry for 9/22/2001
A nice day. A bright sun. I sent checks to Red Cross, Sheriffs Benefit show to pay bills. Vern’s 65th birthday. He and June are in Saratoga Springs to a Rotary Convention.
Diary Entry for 9/23/2001
Raining in morning. Cloudy. Jim called to say he got home from Delaware last night. He had a good trip. Beautiful weather. Jolie called in PM. They were having Madison’s 2nd birthday party. I talked with Shawn Michael and had a nice visit with Zack.
Diary Entry for 9/24/2001
A nice day. Sunny. Lots of folks out to church. Art and Madeline Miles there. Madison’s 2nd birthday. I helped Sherri greet at church in Jim’s place. Jim and Nancy here on bike in PM. I watched Memorial services from Yankee Stadium. Very moving. A big crowd attended one at Watertown Fair grounds this PM also. Jolie called in evening.
Diary Entry for 9/25/2001
Rain and thunder in PM. 75° and 59°/ I talked with Lyla twice. Dr. LaPoint’s office called. I have to go for blood work Wednesday, October 3rd. I called Elgin in evening. They have decided not to come over at this time.
Diary Entry for 9/26/2001
Rained all night. Cooler. Primary day. Postponed form September 11. 6,399 people still missing in New York City.
Diary Entry for 9/27/2001
Nice day. Cool. Sunny. I played Pedro in evening. Rebekah’s. Esther, Vi, Marie, Mary and I went to Ginny Delles for meeting. Vivian and Diane there also. Ginny not very good.
Diary Entry for 9/28/2001
Cloudy, raining. I went to exercise class. Only 6 there. Jessie here to clean. We went to store.
Diary Entry for 9/29/2001
Colder. I made brownies and peanut butter fudge for sale tomorrow. Jim called in evening. Jill has found an apartment in Liverpool.
Diary Entry for 9/30/2001
A nice sunny day. Cold. In the 50’s. Public sale and bake sale at Grannies attic. Jolie called. She had biopsy of bunch in her breast. Zack in the field again for ten days.
Diary Entry for 10/1/2001
Sunny. 62°. Some frost over night. I went to Sunday school and church with Nash’s. Judge Howard George has performed twenty-five military weddings in the past two weeks. Jolie called in evening. She and Zack had accident with their jeep. No one hurt but over 300 dollars damage to the jeep.
Diary Entry for 10/2/2001
I cleaned apartment. Washed windows, dusted, got rid of newspapers etc. I went to Centennial Club in evening. They voted $100 to Red Cross for World Trade Fund. I’m on Marion Carvel’s committee a week from Thursday for potluck supper. I saw two boys break down rail fence out back. I called Hope. Bill had already called police for something else the two boys had done.
Diary Entry for 10/3/2001
I beautiful day. Warm. I went to exercise class. I cleaned carpets. I made out order to Friendly Home Party for Alice Porter, given by Ella Eckert at Mills. Jim called on his way home from Liverpool. He took Jill’s washer and dryer there for her. She and Shane moved their yesterday. Shane has a job at Skappi also. Got all his benefits back.
Diary Entry for 10/4/2001
A great day. 77° sunny. I took bus to Dr. Weinstein’s. Had his PA examine me. Very nice. I went from there to Dr. LaPoint’s for blood work. Rev. Jane called for prayer chain for Dawn St Germaine and Ginny Delles. Dawn has infection in her face. Ginny has bleeding again. I called Vi and Alice. I called Karen in evening. I played Pedro in evening. Coby Slate called in evening. I gave Alice P gift order.
Diary Entry for 10/5/2001
A nice day. Sunny. I went to exercise class. 8 there. “HUD” man here inspecting. They came to my apartment. They picked 22 apartments to visit. Juanita called in evening. We talked for almost an hours. All well out that way. Ken and Esther in the woods cutting wood for winter.
Diary Entry for 10/6/2001
Rained during night. 66° and cloudy. I called Art and Doris. Today is their 49th wedding anniversary. Stewart and Doug are running the farm together again. I talked with Lyla. 1000 Fort Drum soldiers have left to help out over seas. Rumor is they are going to Afghanistan. Fort Drum mum about it. I sent for order for tapes of western stars.
Diary Entry for 10/7/2001
Partly cloudy. Sun out in PM. Rain and thunderstorm late in PM. Raining all evening. Jolie called at suppertime. She said Darcia and two boys are without money as Darcia’s boy friend left with the Fort Drum soldiers the day before his payday. They live here in the city. Vern called in evening. June is making Halloween costumes for the kids.
Diary Entry for 10/8/2001
Sunny. Cold. War has begun. Pres Bush ordered air strikes against Afghanistan at noon today. Canada also taking part. A food drop to the starving people there will follow strike at daybreak. I went to church with Jim and Sherri. No Sunday school. Cora B still ill. Jolie called. Also Jill. Jill and Shane stopped by but I wasn’t home from church yet.
Diary Entry for 10/9/2001
Very cold over night. Snow flurries in some places. Sunny today. Coby Slate brought me a church tape and one for Vi. The air strikes with food drops later started at noon for 2nd day. Jim called in evening on way home from city.
Diary Entry for 10/10/2001
Cold but sunny. I went to exercise class. Vern called in evening. He is working on frame for Alice Mix Hanson’s picture. My grandmother, Barney N Hanson’s first wife.
Diary Entry for 10/11/2001
A great day. Sunny and warm. Marian C called. She wants me to cut the birthday cake tomorrow night. I played Pedro in evening. We had three tables.
Diary Entry for 10/12/2001
A summer day. Sunny. 70°. The leaves are so pretty toward Chestnut Street. Lyla called. Today is her birthday. She had a called from Elgin and Carmi. I went to exercise class. Only 6 there. Jessie here to clean. Pot luck supper here at 5 PM. I helped Marion on it. We had 31 out to supper. A small crowd. Delicious meal. Jim called before I got home.
Diary Entry for 10/13/2001
Raining in evening. Marion C called to see how I was and to thank me again for helping her on the supper. Jolie called to say she had her breast biopsy today. Zack went with her. They’ll know results in 6 days. Mail anthrax scare happening in UNS. Four people known to have it. One man died. Jim called in evening.
Diary Entry for 10/14/2001
Like summer. Sunny 73°. Juanita called in morning saying Esther, Ken and she would pick me up at 1 PM for a picnic at the park. The park turned out to be Washington Park at Allendale. It is so beautiful there. They have built a new pavilion. It was so great to get outside on such a nice day. I met some of Esther’s family. I called Jim.
Diary Entry for 10/15/2001
Temperature 70°, 64° low. Raining in evening. Very windy all day. We went to church and Sunday school. Cora Bellinger back as our teacher. Jolie called in evening.
Diary Entry for 10/16/2001
Partly cloudy. Cooler. In the 60’s. I took papers, cans, and trash down to basement. I washed clothes I late PM.
Diary Entry for 10/17/2001
A nice day. Cool wind. I went to exercise class. I washed my bed sheets and turned my mattress. I called Jim. He is coming tomorrow to take me to store. He’s leaving Saturday for Florida.
Diary Entry for 10/18/2001
Raining hard all AM and PM. Anthrax spread getting worse. Part of State Capital shutting down while they search for source. I called for appointment with dentist, Dr. Schepis and Dr. Powell. Jim took me for groceries. Nancy met us for super at Schuler’s. I played Pedro in evening.
Diary Entry for 10/19/2001
Beautiful sunny day. 55°. I went to exercise class. Eight there. I called Vivian. Ginny still in Syracuse hospital. I called bank to transfer money to my checking account.
Diary Entry for 10/20/2001
Partly sunny. Kind of cool. I washed dark clothes. Jolie called to say her breast biopsy was benign. 100 to 200 Rangers on the ground in Afghanistan hitting back at the Taliban group for the first after days of air assaults.
Diary Entry for 10/21/2001
Nice day. I ironed living room draperies and put them up. I had trouble finding them as I had stored them under my bed. I thought I had put them in the clothes closet. Vern and June go to Williamsburg, Virginia for a week. Jim and another cop from Sandy Creek leave for Tampa Florida on their bikes to organize a new chapter of the Road Hogs. Vern called in morning. They had just dropped Mr. Peabody (cat) off and were on the road south.
Diary Entry for 10/22/2001
Cloudy. Raining off and on. I went to church with Nash’s. Laity Sunday. Also honored the children. Nancy called in PM. Jim had called her from Maryland. They were sitting outside eating an ice cream cone. Good weather so far. Juanita called in evening. Beverly Hogaboon Corbett and husband had called on her.
Diary Entry for 10/23/2001
A nice day. 55° high and 38° low. Vi called about lodge. Also Esther T. I washed my formal. Also some underwear.
Diary Entry for 10/24/2001
Cloudy and windy. I got my flu shot here in library before I went to exercise class. Dr. Sanni at 3:45. My eye pressure up to 16 and 17. I see Dr. Ford in a month. Joel called me in PM. I called Sue Boschock about church check. Jolie and Madison called at suppertime. I called to wish Steve “Happy Birthday”. He’s 37 today.
Diary Entry for 10/25/2001
Raining some. Sunny some. Warm. Rebekah’s installation at 2:30 PM. I went to Philadelphia with Esther. 15 out to lodge. I played Pedro in evening. Three tables.
Diary Entry for 10/26/2001
Warm in morning. Rain turned cold in PM. 71° and 38°. I went to exercise class. I gave Hope Heap application. Jessie here to clean. She helped me with phone called to HSBC Bank for Heap application. Colby called abut tapes. Nancy called in evening. Jim will be leaving Florida Sunday for home.
Diary Entry for 10/27/2001
Rain or hair off and on all day. Very windy. Alice F called for prayer chain for Marion Smith. She has cancer. Lorraine Brancatello (bone cancer) Dr. Schepis 1 PM. I walked over and back in pouring rain and wid. I made it okay. I had teeth cleaned, X-rayed and treated with fluoride. They are all so nice over there. I go back to have two small cavities filled after I see Dr. Powell for antibiotics.