Cloudy day. In 40’s. I called Bev S in morning. Exercise class at 9:30. Vi Mowers, Beverly Sampson, Marion Smith, and Margaret Hudson came about 1 0:30 AM. We went to “the Club House” for lunch and then back here again to visit. We stopped at Samaritan Keep. Bev and I called on Lou Rudds. She is good. We saw Joe Alone, Margaret saw her relative. A wonderful day together thanks to Bev. Jessie called in evening. She will be here Thursday to work.
Yearly Archives: 2001
Diary Entry for 2/21/2001
A beautiful sunny day but very cold all day. Jolie called with the good news they are being transferred to Fort Knox, Kentucky in August. Zack will be trained as a drill sergeant. He became a staff sergeant E-6 March 1st. Jolie was calling everyone. This just found out today. I got first box of checks with my name on them only. Merrill and I had a joint account for many, many years. I played Pedro in evening. I called Jim. He was on his way home from Nancy’s.
Diary Entry for 2/22/2001
Cold. Sunny day. I went to exercise class. All present plus Lola’s great-granddaughter, Bethany, 7 years old. Jessie here to clean. She went to store for me. Coby S called in evening about tapes.
Diary Entry for 2/23/2001
Snowing hard in PM. Lots of accidents. Mother and 11 year old son killed in Pearl Street Road. Cleared before noon. A sunny afternoon. I called Margaret Hudson in PM. I had liver and onions for supper. Good. !!! Bill Boyd showed me how to use reading machine. Vern called in evening. He has to have a hernia operation next month. He sprained his back, so isn’t getting much done on his house.
Diary Entry for 2/24/2001
A beautiful sunny day. I washed a few clothes by hand. Jim called in PM on way to Lowes for more supplies for his bathroom. Zack and Jolie will be just below Cincinnati, Ohio, 300 miles from Carla. 800 miles from us. Jolie called in evening. We talked for over an hour. The army wants Zack for a recruiter. He doesn’t want a desk job. Sherri called in evening.
Diary Entry for 2/25/2001
Raining, windy and icy. A little sun. We didn’t go to church. It was very icy in morning, I called Juanita in PM. We had a good visit. David is putting up another silo and getting the porches rebuilt on the house. Very windy all day. I’m getting a cold.
Diary Entry for 2/26/2001
Sunny day. Still windy. I don’t feel so good today. Sneezing a lot.
Diary Entry for 2/27/2001
Snowing again. I didn’t feel up to going to exercise class. Alice Flaherty called. We talked for one hour. She felt bad she didn’t feel up to coming with the others from Philadelphia last week.
Diary Entry for 2/28/2001
Cold. 18°. Sunny. Ash Wednesday. Jolie, Jack and Kids went thru their first earthquake. 6.8. Very scared. Jolie called her dad on her cell phone as soon as she got outside. I called Jim. He had just talked with her. She called me a little later. Lots of damage and some folks hurt. The quake was thirty miles under ground. Coby Slate here with church tapes. I tried to call Jolie before I went to bed but phones all tied up. I listened to three of the tapes. I miss Philadelphia Church so much. I was so good to hear the people speak. Rev. Jane is so great.
Diary Entry for 3/1/2001
Snowing a little in morning but it melted. I went to exercise class. Jolie called in PM. I couldn’t reach her. Jim got through to her this morning. They are doing fine. I called Vi. She is coming after church tapes tomorrow. Nellie McIntosh on my hall went to hospital in early evening. I never heard a thing.
Diary Entry for 3/2/2001
Some snow in AM. Lots of sun. I washed white cloths. I, Susie and Allison stopped by for tapes. Allison is beautiful. Jill brought me milk and bread. I got a nice letter from Clark and Vivian. I saw Pat Thiabault here today. She is a care giver for someone here. Florence went to see Nellie. She’s doing okay.
Diary Entry for 3/3/2001
Sunny day. I cleaned floors and dusted. Sherri called about church. Jolie called in evening. Zack received his E-6 pin today. Then they left on a ten day trip in the field. Madison “talked to me”.
Diary Entry for 3/4/2001
Bright sun in AM. Cloudy in PM. I went to church with Jim and Sherri. Douglas Ort preached. Rev. Dora at Aldersgate.
Diary Entry for 3/5/2001
Very, very stormy all day. I talked with Vi. She enjoyed tapes. Dr. Sanni 11:30 AM. My busy was late. I’m to have laser on both eyes to bring down my pressure of 18 and 22. Centennial Club meeting at 7:30. Not too much to decide. Hope didn’t come to it. Speaker couldn’t be here. We will try to have a catered St. Patrick’s dinner Thursday March 15 or 22. Jolie and kids called in evening. Coby called in evening. He has pneumonia. No more tapes until after Easter. They are doing the Easter story as a play each Sunday.
Diary Entry for 3/6/2001
Still snowing. All schools closed. 30°. Exercise class. I didn’t go. Dawn not there. Apartment inspection in AM. Hope and Lee here only a few minutes. Lee came back later and caulked my water basin. VIP meeting postponed because of storm. Jim called in AM. He’s busy plowing. He was going to sleep for 2 or 3 hours and go back plowing. Walt is helping him on his apartment.
Diary Entry for 3/7/2001
A beautiful sunny day. I washed clothes. Also washed some sweaters by hand. I met Mrs. Percy in laundry. Her granddaughter is married to Adam Mattison of Philadelphia. Her son is a professor at Oswego. She is from the Smith Percy store folks. Irish Step Dancers 7:30 PM. Very good. All young kids about 25 of them. Vi was here to see them. Jolie called after I went to bed. We talked until 1 AM. Joel is coming home tomorrow.
Diary Entry for 3/8/2001
A nice day. Partly sunny. Exercise class 9:30 AM. Only four of us and Dawn there. Jessie here to clean. She went to store for me. I went to drug store with her. Linda Beyette here. We had nice visit. I sent check to Philadelphia Church. We played Pedro in evening. Three tables.
Diary Entry for 3/9/2001
Snowing all day. Windy. Joel called. He got to Jim’s at 4 AM. I called Jim to ask him. Joel, Nancy, Jill and Shane to come for supper tomorrow night. Juanita called in evening Esther got home from Florida last night. She was there five weeks.
Diary Entry for 3/10/2001
A beautiful sunny day. Warm. I got room arranged for tonight. We are having ham dinners brought in from First Church. Joel, and Jim got here first. Then Jill and Shane. Nancy came last. We had a great visit. Joel looks older and taller. We haven’t seen him since December 99 when he was here for Christmas.
Diary Entry for 3/11/2001
Some snow. Cloudy all day. I didn’t get to church. The Nash’s went away as Jim was a guest preacher there. Jim and Nancy here in evening. Jim got me a new ribbon for my typewriter and they put it in for me.
Diary Entry for 3/12/2001
Sunny all day. 40° Sue Boschock called. Joel here before he left for home to Iowa. A 13 hour drive. I gave him the green cucumber dish. Dr. LaPoint’s office called about my insurance coverage. My AARP didn’t start until March 1st.
Diary Entry for 3/13/2001
Raining. I went to exercise class. Seven of us there. The stamp lady will no longer be selling stamps in the lobby after today. I bought some picture post cards of the Centennial building @10. I called Jim. Joel didn’t leave yesterday. He is leaving today.
Diary Entry for 3/14/2001
Very windy. I washed clothes. I called Jim. He had just heard from Joel. He got back to Iowa at 4 AM. I talked with Lyla. I played Pedro in evening.
Diary Entry for 3/15/2001
A nice sunny day. Warm 40°. I went to exercise class. I called Ginny, Esther, and Vivian. All three are coming good. Ginny still in a body cast. Esther still using a walker. And Vivian a wheel chair. St. Patrick’s Corn Beef and Cabbage dinner at 5 PM. Catered, all free. Very good. Good turnout. Marion played organ, and Irish tunes. I called Bev Sampson in evening. We decided not to go hear Navy Band. I changed checking account to just my name. Kathy has been so helpful doing it over the phone.
Diary Entry for 3/16/2001
A nice sunny day. Juanita called in AM. Cheryl brought me a loaf of bread.
Diary Entry for 3/17/2001
Cloudy. 33°. Lots of St. Patrick’s celebrations going on in city. Ireland isn’t celebrating this year because of the Foot and mouth disease in England and France.
Diary Entry for 3/18/2001
Sunny. I didn’t get to church. Brenda called to invite me to a birthday party next Sunday at 1 PM at Doreen’s for Juanita’s 72 birthday. Vern called in evening. June hurt her leg on her dishwasher door. Jolie called in evening.
Diary Entry for 3/19/2001
Great sunny day. In 40’s. Kinney’s brought me pills and milk. I called Eye Center. There was a mix up about my address. Is sent order to Roman’s for underwear.
Diary Entry for 3/20/2001
Another sunny day. Exercise class. Only 5 there. Dawn gave us delicious chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. It was reported today that the Deferit Paper Mill is closing Thursday putting 400 people out of work. I went for walk outside today. Everett Thornton, 72 of Theresa died last night. He is related to the Hanson’s. Dad and his mother were distant cousins.
Diary Entry for 3/21/2001
Sunny in AM. Cloudy in PM. 40°. I sent check to Watertown Internists. I wrote Jolie and Shawn Michael. Kathy from Philadelphia Bank called. Checking account transferred to my name and a new account. Jim called in evening. He hopes to get moved into his newly decorated apartment next door. Nancy was painting for him. I played Pedro in evening.
Diary Entry for 3/22/2001
Rain turned to snow over night. 34°. Some schools closed. Today would have been Merrill’s 92 birthday. I went to exercise class. Dawn gave each a large piece of banana cake. I paid some bills by mail. The last day of work for the people at the Deferit Paper Mill. I called Jill about Sunday.
Diary Entry for 3/23/2001
Cloudy day. Rained and snowed. Jessie here to clean for me. She went to store for me. Esther T called. She brought me some nice birthday cards. I called Vi. She had a nice time in Florida. She got back Tuesday. Today is Jill and Jim’s 5th anniversary. I got a sweet letter reading from Jolie. Half of the cattle in Europe have hoof and mouth disease. Robert Congdon called. They are coming tomorrow. I got letter from Gloria V.
Diary Entry for 3/24/2001
Some snow. Cloudy all day. Bob, Cheryl, and Breanne got here about 11 AM. Here for dinner. They drove in snow all the way from Savannah. They left at 6:30 PM. We had a nice visit. They were quite fascinated with my diaries. Breanne, 14 years old is such a nice young lady. Brenda D called. I received a note from Jolie with darling pictures of Madison.
Diary Entry for 3/25/2001
Snowing hard in morning. Cleared in PM. Party at Doreen’s for Juanita’s birthday. Nice time and good lasagna lunch. About 45 – 50 there. Lots of kids there. Jim took me and brought me home. He couldn’t stay as he had to figure his income tax at Evans Mills. Jill sick with migraine. I called Esther Taylor. Jolie called in evening. Twice, Last time after I was in bed.
Diary Entry for 3/26/2001
Cold again. Cloudy a little sun. Juanita’s birthday. 72 years. I sent Esther H birthday card.
Diary Entry for 3/27/2001
Still cold. Partly cloudy. I went to exercise class. Elgin and Carmi called in morning. Carmi has to have a colonoscopy. Elgin’s birthday was the 23rd. Esther’s birthday 78 years. Rev. Dora called to see why I hadn’t been to church. Jill called from work in PM.
Diary Entry for 3/28/2001
Cloudy all day. In 30’s. Mary Chamberlain called in PM. Cheryl and Marion left for Arizona. Larry drove them to airport. I played Pedro in evening. Had three tables.
Diary Entry for 3/29/2001
Warmer. Partly cloudy. 48°. I went to exercise class. New class starts next week.
Diary Entry for 3/30/2001
Snowing in morning. Everything white again. Lyla called in AM. Marion and Cheryl got to Arizona all okay.
Diary Entry for 3/31/2001
Cloudy. I cleaned carpets and dusted. Kinney man delivered my medicine and milk after supper.
Diary Entry for 4/1/2001
Cloudy but nice. I took yellow cab to church. $2. Gert Stanton gave me ride home. We had ten in Sunday school class. Communion. Good to get to church. I missed three Sunday’s. Jim and Sherrie got back from Florida last night. They didn’t go to church. I called Jim in evening. He hasn’t got moved yet. Jolie, Madison, and Shawn Michael called in evening.
Diary Entry for 4/2/2001
Diary Entry for 4/3/2001
Sun out for first time in days. Jim stopped by with my stamps. I got package, underwear, from Roman’s. I got two readings from Jolie. Centennial Cub meeting 7:30. I went. Small turn out. Sarah Durien spoke on home safety.
Diary Entry for 4/4/2001
Partly sunny. 46°. I went to exercise class. I paid dues of $30. New class. VIP. Mike White has flu so couldn’t sing for us. 8 people present. Jim called in evening. He is going to spend his first night in his new apartment. He and Walt were setting up his bed.
Diary Entry for 4/5/2001
A great day. 49°. Jim called in evening. His clothes dryer wire burned out today. His refrigerator, used to be ours, isn’t working since they moved it. Dr. Sanni. Laser at 10:15. I took the bus. Lyla met me there and brought me home and spent the afternoon. We ate at the Club House and stopped at Kinney’s for eye drops. Dr. Sanni did laser on my right eye.
Diary Entry for 4/6/2001
A great spring like day. 53° high. I went to exercise class. Nine there plus Dawn. Jessie left phone message. She will b here tomorrow instead of today. She called later and said she would be here at 9 AM. Jolie called in evening. Carla and Michael left yesterday and arrived home all okay.
Diary Entry for 4/7/2001
Cloudy. Some showers. Temperature 53°. Jessie here to clean. I went with her to the store for groceries. I washed clothes in late PM. Cora Carr came in evening to listen to Rev. Jane’s tapes. She is an aunt by marriage to Rev. Jane. Bertha Eager Archie came also. Vernon called in evening. They are coming Sunday. I sent for vitamin C cream to Botanic Choice
Diary Entry for 4/8/2001
Partly cloudy. Some showers. 48°. I went to have coffee and donuts in morning. I called Jim. Vern had already called him. Jim called at 11 PM to say he and Nancy will meet for lunch with us tomorrow. Sherri N called.
Diary Entry for 4/9/2001
A great day. Sunny and warm. I went to church with Jim and Sherri. Beautiful music and service. Jim Nancy, June, Vern came in PM. We went to Bob Evans for lunch. Dan, Robin and kids are planning to move back to this area this summer. Jolie called in evening. Zack will be getting out of the army in August. Jim called in evening and said he would take me to the doctor’s tomorrow. He is going to bring Joel back until his ankle heals.
Diary Entry for 4/10/2001
Another great day. Jim left for Joel’s in PM 15 hour drive. Dr. LaPoint 1 PM. Jim dropped me off. I took a taxi home. I had blood work done. Entertainment 7:30, J.B.Hughs. I went. It was a sing along. Very nice.