Diary Entry for 5/30/1999

Great weather. 81° high. 54° low. We went to church. 76 out. Wayne came after us. I gave Sue $15 to get things for 2 kits to send to Kasaco (?) people. Our church is packing then Tuesday evening. Mary Hall will take me to Watertown Friday. Doris H said Abby’s middle son was found dear in his bed Wednesday (Rocky Moyer 40). His father Bob dies the same way. He was young also. I called Lyla to tell her. She wasn’t feeling as good. Jolie called as we were going to bed 10:15. They had out to eat at Charles Uncles. Then they went to a neighbor’s birthday party. They are having fun looking for girl baby furniture. Merrill let me clip his toenails so he won’t have to keep his appointment with Dr. Piellitier June 8th.