Shawn Michael’s birthday. 7th. He was baptized at Philadelphia UM Church. We had 20 people there. A great service. 77 people in church. Jolie, Zack, Shawn Michael, Esther and Nancy Lawler, Jim, Nancy P, Ashley, Paul, Darcie, and Anthony. Doreen and Alexis, Patty, Mike Saunders, Lyla, Merrill and I. Jill all but Patty and Mike were to Philadelphia Restaurant for lunch and party. Zack, Jolie, Shawn Michael, Ashley, Nancy, Jim, and Alexi came here afterwards. A great day to get together. Shawn got nice gifts and cards. Merrill paid for the lunch. Merrill very upset in evening. He pried the door chain off the back door. I called Jim but hot his answer machine.