Haggerty Reunion at Wescott Beach. We went and Jim’s went. Only 32 there this year. Uncle Len, 92 there. Rained terrible in evening. We stopped at Jim’s. He’s working the fair this week. We went to church. Only 40 there.
Yearly Archives: 1986
Diary Entry for 7/21/1986
Merrill took chain saw to Mills for repair. Got new chain for it, $14.98. Merrill mowed lawns. Look nice. Got new health policy from First United American Life Insurance Co. Stephanie Cha here. Ordered cards. Paid her $3.95.
Diary Entry for 7/22/1986
Cooler but nice. Merrill worked at wood. My arms very lame today. Jim Matteson almost 89 died in Virginia today. Got card from Gloria Verbridge from Alaska. She is visiting Sands and family.
Diary Entry for 7/23/1986
We went for groceries for the ice cream social in AM. Bob Griffin is finally out of intensive care. Merrill worked at wood off and on. Watched the Royal wedding on TV (Andrew and Sarah) Very grand. Belile’s got home from vacation trip.
Diary Entry for 7/24/1986
We went for groceries. Stopped at Leah’s. Very hot. Vivian was over. Plane hay lift from Fort Drum for Carolina Farmers hit by drought. Sent Don card and Alice and Bob Griffin a note.
Diary Entry for 7/25/1986
Still very hot and humid. Merrill went to Mills but saw was not done. I washed clothes. We ate outside. I was sick with cramps in evening. New neighbors have moved into Cooper house.
Diary Entry for 7/26/1986
Jim Matteson’s burial at Great Bend Cemetery. We went to it. Raining off and on. Very muggy.
Diary Entry for 7/27/1986
Bonnie’s’ shower, 1-4 at Legion. I went. Nice but not too many there. Glen Brady stopped by. We went to church, 38 out. Patty, Joel, and Jolie here for picnic supper. Frieda here in evening. Had green beans from garden.
Diary Entry for 7/28/1986
I’m lame today. Washed clothes. Very hot and humid all day. Merrill went over town.
Diary Entry for 7/29/1986
Merrill picked first cucumbers. Elaine Horton here. Rainy and thunder storms off and on.
Diary Entry for 7/30/1986
Ice Cream Festival. Rained so we had to hold it inside. Went very well. Philadelphia kitchen band played. Made $400.77. We worked in PM and evening. Wrote Vern’s. Bad accident at Blinker light at Mills. One man killed.
Diary Entry for 7/31/1986
Sure tired today. We went over town. Took back stuff and paid bills. Cleared $400. More stuff to sell. Cloudy day.
Diary Entry for 8/1/1986
Merrill mowed lawns at Kavanaugh’s. Cloudy day. Rained most of afternoon. Washed clothes.
Diary Entry for 8/2/1986
Go to Vern’s. Stopped at new Hills store that opened in Salmon Run Mall. Went up to Don’s. Juanita not home. Went up past Barkers. Got to Vern’s about 3:00. We went to Gehm’s in evening. Nice visit.
Diary Entry for 8/3/1986
We went out to breakfast. Don, Bea, Vern, June, Dan, Merrill and I. We stopped at Steve’s new apartment. Got home at 5 PM. Arlene Kellar, 58 died today.
Diary Entry for 8/4/1986
Dry Siegel, 2 PM. Everything okay. Continue Plaquenil. Stopped at Woolworth’s. Merrill mowed lawns in AM. Tired tonight. Arlene Kellar died Sunday, Paul’s wife.
Diary Entry for 8/5/1986
We went to city. Merrill got new glass frames, $46.00. We went to funeral home for Arlene Kellar at Dexter. Stopped at Sackets. Only Patty and Joel home. Corrine has option on CEC.
Diary Entry for 8/6/1986
Merrill worked at wood. Hot and humid. Frieda here. Washed clothes.
Diary Entry for 8/7/1986
Trustees meeting about CEC at 8 PM. They voted down purchase offer on 15 year mortgage. Thunder storm in morning. Raining off and on all day. We went for groceries.
Diary Entry for 8/8/1986
Raining. Hot and muggy. Merrill worked at wood. Sent car insurance and fire insurance, light and telephone bills. It takes a lot of money to keep going. Got my hair cut at Jim’s. Gary and Kris Ashley separated after 15 years.
Diary Entry for 8/9/1986
Raining off and on all day. We canned green beans, 7 quarts. We went over and spent evening with Aunt Maude. Jim A is in hospital for his nerves.
Diary Entry for 8/10/1986
We went to church, 37 out. Leslie called. He had 69 out for picnic July 27. His 3 girls and families there. His son-in-law Dick Doltz is taking classes from Vern at SUNY this week. Jim’s here for supper. Jim’s pictures on front page of Sunday paper. Audrey has another tumor on her spine.
Diary Entry for 8/11/1986
Merrill mowed Kavanaugh’s lawns. I washed clothes. Merrill worked at wood in PM. Much cooler in evening. Bea Gehm goes into hospital.
Diary Entry for 8/12/1986
Cooler. Air fresh to sleep. Merrill mowed our lawns. I wrote letter to Times about messy ink on Times paper. Bea Gehm’s heart operation. Took 6 hours. They repaired 2 valves and did a bypass.
Diary Entry for 8/13/1986
Joey and George helped Merrill split wood with Delles’ wood splitter.
Diary Entry for 8/14/1986
We went to city. Turned in Dodge plates. Got eye drops and Plaquenil at Fays. cost $36.58. There was an earthquake during night, 3.2 on scale. Woke Merrill. June called. Bea Gehm doing okay. Had 6 hour operation.
Diary Entry for 8/15/1986
Bad tornado in Gouverneur. Man killed. Thunder storms and raining in AM. Merrill helped get things ready at church for Bonnie’s Wedding. He went to Mills for axe handle, but they didn’t have one. Stormed hard in evening. Jim made Police Sergeant.
Diary Entry for 8/16/1986
Bonnie Haggerty and Walter Cooper’s wedding, 7 PM. We went. Lovely reception and lovely wedding. Was in Times this morning that Jim was made Sergeant, August 15. They called to say Audrey bad. 3 more tumors. Washed clothes.
Diary Entry for 8/17/1986
We went to church, 35 out. I called Vern’s. Jan there. Bea still in intensive care but may be moved today. Jim and Explorers on Paul Smith’s canoe trip for a week.
Diary Entry for 8/18/1986
Sent Bea card and note. Merrill worked at wood. Got all done with chain saw. Got card from June. She saw Marva, Brenda, and Fred at hospital. Mrs. Watson had triple by pass.
Diary Entry for 8/19/1986
Merrill and Joey split wood. Got it finished. Lila called in evening to say they took Aunt Maude to hospital last night. Pains in chest. She is in coronary care. I called Patty. Audrey about the same. Can’t eat anything.
Diary Entry for 8/20/1986
Merrill mowed Kavanaugh’s lawns. I washed clothes. A beautiful day. I sent cards to Aunt Maude and Audrey.
Diary Entry for 8/21/1986
Cloudy. Merrill mowed our lawns. They grow so fast this year with all the rain. Rained a little in evening. Betty Rudes and Frieda Kent in accident. Sent Bea card.
Diary Entry for 8/22/1986
Merrill went to Mills for axe handle and storm window. They repaired window but didn’t have handle. Got handle at Antwerp, $6.00. Merrill finished cutting wood. 10 1/2 cords, cost $175.00.
Diary Entry for 8/23/1986
Jim and Explores got home. Merrill cleaned floors. Went to dump. I washed tub of white clothes. Raining.
Diary Entry for 8/24/1986
Cold and cloudy. We went to church, 35 out. I called Vern’s. Talked with June. Bea came home from hospital yesterday. Jim’s here for PM and supper. Audrey about the same.
Diary Entry for 8/25/1986
Merrill painted house trim and lawn furniture where needed. I had trouble with my eyes again today. Sent Vern and June anniversary card and note. Jim called about his wallet.
Diary Entry for 8/26/1986
Another sunny day but cooler. A beautiful day. Cheryl called. Aunt Maude may get home tomorrow. Cha is painting his house. Carl Scee and Cora called.
Diary Entry for 8/27/1986
June and Vern’s 26th anniversary. Dr. Scanlon at 2 PM. Called for appointment in morning. He didn’t find anything wrong. Sent me to Mercy for blood test.
Diary Entry for 8/28/1986
We went for groceries. I’m getting a cold. Aunt Maude got home from hospital.
Diary Entry for 8/29/1986
I stayed all day with Aunt Maude. 7 AM till 12 midnight. Cheryl and Kathy went to Syracuse fair. Dr. Scanlon and Dr. Siegel called Merrill. They made me an appointment with Dr. Walter Minnert (?) Vascular doctor.
Diary Entry for 8/30/1986
My cold terrible. Washed clothes. Merrill sold our 71 Dodge station wagon to Alan Delles for $150. Got school tax notice, $332.66.
Diary Entry for 8/31/1986
We went to church, 45 there. Next Sunday it starts at 11:15. Sunday School at 9:45 with Joyce Griffin, new Superintendent.
Diary Entry for 9/1/1986
We watched MD Telethon. Broke last years records. We went to store. My cold worse. I feel horrid.
Diary Entry for 9/2/1986
Jim’s 43rd birthday. Sent him card, letter, and $5.00. Lots of kids around. Last day before school starts. Merrill mowed lawns. I washed clothes.
Diary Entry for 9/3/1986
School starts. Lots of kids from this street got on bus. Clinic: Merrill 142/70 and 15 blood count. Mine was 158/84, blood count 11 and sugar 95. Merrill got hair cut. Talked with Aunt Maude.
Diary Entry for 9/4/1986
UMW at Doris’, 8 there. I went with Marion Smith. We took food to Quackenbush’s for their supper. Went for groceries.
Diary Entry for 9/5/1986
I started collecting for Leukemia fund. Went to Vivian’s and Barbs. School kids here selling candy bars. Merrill helped at church for funeral in PM.
Diary Entry for 9/6/1986
I washed clothes. I collected for Leukemia fund in PM. Several not home.
Diary Entry for 9/7/1986
We went to Sunday School, 26 out, and church, 65 out. Back on fall schedule. We went to Gouverneur to a reception for new District Superintendent of St. Lawrence District. Rev. Robert McClune.