Yearly Archives: 1982

Diary Entry for 3/1/1982

PPR meeting at CEC at 7:30. District Superintendent L. Owen in charge. Sent Times renewal for 10 weeks. Good meeting 9 present. Merrill went to post office. Very cold. Snowed in evening.

Diary Entry for 3/2/1982

Cold sunny and windy. Chuck Heck has 14 hour operation in California having lymph glands put in his leg from his stomach. Merrill went to Carthage with Howard. merrill went over town to store, bank, and post office. Got letter about Carl’s estate from Lyon’s surrogate.

Diary Entry for 3/3/1982

Cold, -10° last night. Chuck Heck’s operation lasted 10 1/2 hours. He is in coronary care unit as a precaution. Aunt Maude went out to see Cheryl. She hasn’t been up yet. Annie Keichel called me.

Diary Entry for 3/6/1982

Beautiful day. We went to landfill. Stopped at Millicent and ivan Hales. Pat and baby and Evelyn were there. Sent Uncle Berl birthday card and not. Got letter from him. Sandy Fagan and Andy here. Are up to get their truck.

Diary Entry for 3/11/1982

Wrote Vern’s. Much warmer 45°. We went for groceries. Aunt Maude called to say Angie has been in hospital since Feb. 22. Garmon and Pauline to see Cheryl. Cheryl is walking on crutches.

Diary Entry for 3/13/1982

53° in early morning. Gave Boots bath. Clouds and rainy day. Merrill saw his first robin this year. Washed clothes. Merrill ran cleaner. Sent order to Lane Bryant for coat and dress s. First order to them. merrill got hair cut at Theresa. Eleanor came about 9:15 PM

Diary Entry for 3/18/1982

Got groceries. Beautiful spring day. We went to city. Took church mimeograph machine to Stockers to be re paired. We went to see Angie in Mercy Hospital. she doesn’t look good, very thin. Saw Jim on street. Patty’s mother has an apartment in Watertown Towers. May move in this weekend. Took out dry cleaning. got blood pressure pills at Fays

Diary Entry for 3/23/1982

Administrative Board at CEC. 12 out. Aunt Maude, Merrill and I went to hospital to see angie. Got dry cleaning. Stopped to see Cheryl on way home. got new car coat (rust color) from Lane Bryan. Merrill got cards and not from Vern’s, Gehm’s, and Simond’s.

Diary Entry for 3/24/1982

Rebekah’s, 9 out. didn’t get into hall until late as Kiwanis had supper there. My arms hurting bad. I planted cabbage plants and transplanted tomato plants to cups. Mrs. Elwood Gardner died during night of heart attack.

Diary Entry for 3/25/1982

We went for groceries in AM. Sent sympathy card to Drakes. Washed clothes. Washed Merrill’s rain coat. Merrill washed car. Nice day. Rained in evening. They arrested Shawn Williams, 16, for Philadelphia bank robbery charges.

Diary Entry for 4/1/1982

UMW at Janet’s. Week of Prayer and Self Denial program. I didn’t go. There were 10 out. Aldersgate meeting at Mannsville. I didn’t get to it. My arthritis is very bad. Colder and very windy 40°

Diary Entry for 4/2/1982

Rebekah’s District meeting at Philadelphia. 6:30 turkey dinner, 30 present. I didn’t go but made cheese cake. Dawn Robinson, Antwerp District President. Marion called to say Aunt Angie died at 1:30. Funeral Sunday. Called Vern’s. Dr. Sommer 11:30 AM exam $12.00. Got groceries.

Diary Entry for 4/4/1982

Church service back in church, 81 there. 2 months in CEC. Good to be back. Angie’s funeral 8 PM. Visiting hours 2-4 and 7-8. We got to city but was too stormy with snow and blowing snow. Aunt Maude and Lila with us. Had lunch at Aunt Maude’s.

Diary Entry for 4/5/1982

Sunny day but cold. Eleanor called in morning. They got to Angie’s funeral. Only family there because of the weather. Got letter from June. They want to come Saturday. Called Jim’s. Audrey stays at her new apartment today at Midtown Towers.

Diary Entry for 4/7/1982

Clinic. Blood pressure 140/82 and blood count 14.5. Dr. Sommer’s, tooth filled, $14.00. Merrill got rod for toilet at Theresa. Saw Jane and Claire and Carol at theresa. Very cold and windy. Called D(?) about cake pan.

Diary Entry for 4/8/1982

Maundy Thursday. Evans Mills communion service, 65 out. Didn’t go. I hurt too much in evening. Arthritis bad. Warmer in evening. Sunny cold and windy still. We went for groceries. Made table favors. Made strawberry jam.