Yearly Archives: 1980

Diary Entry for 9/7/1980

Church back to 11:15 AM, 92 out. Good to hear the choir again. Jim’s here in PM and for supper. Tom and Karen Lynch’s barn burned this PM. Jim’s painted his house this week. Brown and white.

Diary Entry for 9/19/1980

Pearl Hostiling [?] 82, Merrill’s cousin’s funeral at Adams. Bill Heck’s funeral at 1 PM. Church full. Kids stood in fellowship room and back of church. Tracy sang. Sandy Hockey called. Glenda gave me iron shot. Frank brought first fuel oil this fall @ 92.5.

Diary Entry for 9/20/1980

Warm, up to 83°, windy. Merrill mowed lawns. We went to dump. I stopped at Donna Ellis. Saw Katrina for first time. Gave her $5. Aunt Maude and Cheryl went to Canada to Gilson’s and Loren’s. Jim and Explorers worked on Run-a-thon.

Diary Entry for 9/24/1980

Merrill staked black berry plants. Bible study, I went to 10 AM meeting. Renewed Vern and our Reader’s Digest, $21.86 for 2. Rebekah’s election, NG Nancy W, VG Vicky Flynn. Merrill called Robbins to clean church and our furnace.

Diary Entry for 9/29/1980

Pastor Parish, Evans Mills. I went with Margaret. We decided not to raise salary, just on expenses. Merrill worked at Horton’s all day. He went to Griffin’s to look at their wood stove. I washed clothes. Glenda gave me iron shot. I called Carl Scee.

Diary Entry for 10/8/1980

Rebekah’s installation. I’m flag bearer. Bethany N, DDP and Nancy W, NG, Vickie Flynn VG. I went to Bible study. Nice lesson. Got letter from Vern’s. Made fruit cocktail cake for lodge. Wrote Melba and Kenny rudes who is in hospital.

Diary Entry for 10/11/1980

Vern’s came. They set up furnace stove except pipes. Kavanaugh’s auction. Merrill got wheel barrow. Vern and boys bought a lot of stuff. Mary Hall and Sharon stopped in. Vern’s have a 1979 LTD car, maroon and gray. My hand still bad.

Diary Entry for 10/14/1980

Nice day but cool. Robbins came over to get furnace. Merrill mowed lawns. I got chair throw covers from Wards. Got a letter from Joel. Wrote Dot M. World Series starts. Philadelphia Phillies vs Kansas City Royals.

Diary Entry for 10/19/1980

Aunt Maude’s 75th birthday. We went over in evening for ice cream and cake. All there except Vicky. We went to church, 87 out. Patty, and kids here for supper. Jim hunting at Portaferry. Rained some. Phillies won game.

Diary Entry for 10/22/1980

Bought cord of wood from guy at Philadelphia, $25. Got fire going in new stove for first. Feels good. I went to Bible Study and to Lodge in evening. Mrs. Mildred Beardsley, 93 died this morning in Ogdensburg.