Church back to 11:15 AM, 92 out. Good to hear the choir again. Jim’s here in PM and for supper. Tom and Karen Lynch’s barn burned this PM. Jim’s painted his house this week. Brown and white.
Yearly Archives: 1980
Diary Entry for 9/8/1980
Merrill dug up cesspool in back yard. We don’t have a septic tank. We got notice we owe State Tax penalty of $97.16. I called H&R Block about it.
Diary Entry for 9/9/1980
Voted in primaries. Went to city. Went to H&R Block. They wrote letter to State. Got iron and needles, $30.50. Went to Sackets to see Jim’s house. Very nice. Ate supper at Burger King.
Diary Entry for 9/10/1980
Rebekah’s. 14 out. Wrote Vern’s. Sent back state tax letter. Washed clothes. Merrill worked in garden. Cut brush by fence.
Diary Entry for 9/11/1980
Wrote the Cameron’s. Very windy all day. Blew apples and butternuts off trees. Merrill went for groceries. My arthritis bad today. Glenda gave me iron shot, Paid her $10.
Diary Entry for 9/12/1980
B-12 shot. Got letter from Vern’s. Kavanaugh house is being sold to Cathy. Joyce P here selling calendars. Wrote Angie in evening.
Diary Entry for 9/13/1980
Canned 6 pints of tomatoes. Merrill peeled apples for apple sauce, and 2 pies for freezer.
Diary Entry for 9/14/1980
Rainy. We went to church, 96 out. Patty and kids here awhile in PM. Jim at PBA meeting. Patty took chain saw home with her. Explorers have new uniforms, gray and black.
Diary Entry for 9/15/1980
Merrill found sewer gas leak under kitchen sink. Pipe had separated. Cooler but nice today. Kavanaugh house across street has been sold to Cathy Paro. Kavanaugh’s moving to Hall’s Corners trailer.
Diary Entry for 9/16/1980
Bill Heck died during night of heart attack, 53. He died on his 53rd birthday. We washed clothes. Black topped our street. Glenda gave me iron shot. My left hip very sore from last one.
Diary Entry for 9/17/1980
Danny on Channel 3 News. Vern also. He was very good. Pearl H, 82 died today. Very windy all day. Bible Studies starts. We didn’t go. Wrote Uncle Berl. Merrill cleaned church.
Diary Entry for 9/18/1980
We called at Heck’s. Took apple pie. Got groceries. Stopped to meet new neighbor, Mrs. Root in Getman house. Wrote Vern’s. Sent card, and $5. Jim called in evening.
Diary Entry for 9/19/1980
Pearl Hostiling [?] 82, Merrill’s cousin’s funeral at Adams. Bill Heck’s funeral at 1 PM. Church full. Kids stood in fellowship room and back of church. Tracy sang. Sandy Hockey called. Glenda gave me iron shot. Frank brought first fuel oil this fall @ 92.5.
Diary Entry for 9/20/1980
Warm, up to 83°, windy. Merrill mowed lawns. We went to dump. I stopped at Donna Ellis. Saw Katrina for first time. Gave her $5. Aunt Maude and Cheryl went to Canada to Gilson’s and Loren’s. Jim and Explorers worked on Run-a-thon.
Diary Entry for 9/21/1980
Vern’s 44th birthday. We went to church, 120 out. Jim, Pat, and kids came about 5 PM. Jim brought lawn mower to be sharpened. In the 80’s.
Diary Entry for 9/22/1980
Administrative Board meeting, CEC, 10 out. Aunt Maude and Cheryl got home from Canada. Paid school tax of $239.35. A beautiful day. Merrill finally plugged sewer gas leak under house. Hard to find.
Diary Entry for 9/23/1980
Had lab tests, $25.99. Got iron and eye drops. Went to Adams to see Beulah’s new home. Very nice. Saw Jim at city. He was speaking at Kiwanis club.
Diary Entry for 9/24/1980
Merrill staked black berry plants. Bible study, I went to 10 AM meeting. Renewed Vern and our Reader’s Digest, $21.86 for 2. Rebekah’s election, NG Nancy W, VG Vicky Flynn. Merrill called Robbins to clean church and our furnace.
Diary Entry for 9/26/1980
B-12 shot. Vivian Trice was over. Merrill picked apples off our tree. Washed clothes.
Diary Entry for 9/27/1980
Quite cold last night. Down to 23 degrees. First killing frost this fall. We changed living room around. Merrill cleaned floors. He put away lawn furniture. I made chocolate chip cookies.
Diary Entry for 9/28/1980
Nice today again. We went to church, 78 out. Patty and kids here when we got home. Brought pizzas for dinner. Jim and 7 Explorers are back packing at Wanakena.
Diary Entry for 9/29/1980
Pastor Parish, Evans Mills. I went with Margaret. We decided not to raise salary, just on expenses. Merrill worked at Horton’s all day. He went to Griffin’s to look at their wood stove. I washed clothes. Glenda gave me iron shot. I called Carl Scee.
Diary Entry for 9/30/1980
71°. A beautiful day. We went to city. Ordered wood stove for cellar at Wards, $349. Got velour for jacket. Saw Carl Scee. I’m so tired tonight. Hate to move. My arthritis is really bad.
Diary Entry for 10/1/1980
Bible Study. We didn’t go. I called Dr. Roberts. I’m to go see him Friday. Merrill worked at Horton’s. The cluster flies are terrible. Sprayed them. Beautiful day, 70°
Diary Entry for 10/2/1980
UMW at Doris Haggerty’s. 16 there. I went with Margaret. Merrill tied up papers at church. We got groceries. Left film at store. Rained in morning. Glenda gave me iron shot.
Diary Entry for 10/3/1980
Dr. Roberts, 11 AM. He started me on Meclomen for my arthritis. My blood pressure was 156/94. Stopped at Ken’s and Don’s. Talked with Marg. She has been measured for her artificial leg.
Diary Entry for 10/4/1980
We put new battery in smoke alarm. Ssunday School paper drive. Merrill cleaned church. I made red velour blazer. Raining most of day. Got card from Dot M.
Diary Entry for 10/5/1980
Communion, nice service, 84 out. We went to Jim and Pat’s after church for dinner. Rainy. A beautiful double rainbow this morning early.
Diary Entry for 10/6/1980
Finished red jacket. Vern’s called in evening. Are coming Saturday. Sent Esther Taylor card in hospital. Glenda gave me iron shot.
Diary Entry for 10/7/1980
Got and took first Meclomen capsules at supper time. 35 for $5.35. Went to Wards for wood furnace. Called Patty.
Diary Entry for 10/8/1980
Rebekah’s installation. I’m flag bearer. Bethany N, DDP and Nancy W, NG, Vickie Flynn VG. I went to Bible study. Nice lesson. Got letter from Vern’s. Made fruit cocktail cake for lodge. Wrote Melba and Kenny rudes who is in hospital.
Diary Entry for 10/9/1980
We went for groceries. Got a letter from Angie. She isn’t too good yet. A beautiful day. Wrote Vern’s. Glenda gave me iron shot, paid her $10.
Diary Entry for 10/10/1980
B-12 shot. Finance meeting at CEC. We went. Elaine and Randy Horton have baby girl. Carl Scee called. My hand and arm bad.
Diary Entry for 10/11/1980
Vern’s came. They set up furnace stove except pipes. Kavanaugh’s auction. Merrill got wheel barrow. Vern and boys bought a lot of stuff. Mary Hall and Sharon stopped in. Vern’s have a 1979 LTD car, maroon and gray. My hand still bad.
Diary Entry for 10/12/1980
Jim got here about 1 PM. left at 7. We went to church, 80 out. Rather cool. Kavanaugh’s moved rest of their furniture today. Patty brought pies.
Diary Entry for 10/13/1980
Merrill went to dump and to Robbins at Antwerp. Ordered pipes for furnace. No school or mail. Got Times. Esther T still in hospital, has phlebitis. Glenda gave me iron shot.
Diary Entry for 10/14/1980
Nice day but cool. Robbins came over to get furnace. Merrill mowed lawns. I got chair throw covers from Wards. Got a letter from Joel. Wrote Dot M. World Series starts. Philadelphia Phillies vs Kansas City Royals.
Diary Entry for 10/15/1980
Real hard freeze last night, very white. I went to Bible study. Rather upsetting. Merrill dug beets and carrots. Phillies won second game. Got letter from Melba. Merrill made bird feeder.
Diary Entry for 10/16/1980
Merrill put up bird feeder by window. Glenda gave me iron shot. Quite warm with a few showers. Washed clothes.
Diary Entry for 10/17/1980
Beautiful day, 75°. Got groceries. Cluster flies just terrible. Robbins boy cleaned furnace. Frank installed pipes for wood furnace stove. Merrill painted bird feeder. Kansas City Royals won game.
Diary Entry for 10/18/1980
Jim goes hunting. Merrill cleaned church. Went to dump. Stopped at Hall’s. I made brownies and 3 pies. Cheryl invited us to a surprise party for Aunt Maude tomorrow night. Royals won game.
Diary Entry for 10/19/1980
Aunt Maude’s 75th birthday. We went over in evening for ice cream and cake. All there except Vicky. We went to church, 87 out. Patty, and kids here for supper. Jim hunting at Portaferry. Rained some. Phillies won game.
Diary Entry for 10/20/1980
I went to Carols to pick UMW officers. Marilyn also. I called on Esther in PM. Glenda gave me iron shot. Got letter from Marsha Tryon from Annapolis Maryland. Merrill cleaned garage.
Diary Entry for 10/21/1980
Philadelphia Phillies won the World Series. I washed clothes. Rev Quick called.
Diary Entry for 10/22/1980
Bought cord of wood from guy at Philadelphia, $25. Got fire going in new stove for first. Feels good. I went to Bible Study and to Lodge in evening. Mrs. Mildred Beardsley, 93 died this morning in Ogdensburg.
Diary Entry for 10/23/1980
Wrote Steve. Sent card, and $5. Merrill drove tractor for Carl in PM. We went to Fays in evening for Imferon and Meclomen. Talked with Patty. Got chain saw at Sixberries, $26.01 repairs.
Diary Entry for 10/24/1980
We went for groceries. Mrs. Beardsley’s funeral at Theresa. We went. Only about a dozen there. She looked so at peace. Kathy took our pictures for Christmas.
Diary Entry for 10/25/1980
Steve’s 16th birthday. Colder today. Wind in evening. Made chocolate chip cookies. Looked at old slides in evening of Steve when he was a baby.
Diary Entry for 10/26/1980
Set clocks back at 2 AM. We went to church, 100 out. Very nice service, Children’s story, and 3 girls baptized. Jim’s here for dinner. Very windy. Rainy and cold today. Lots of damage around.
Diary Entry for 10/27/1980
Washed clothes. Washed my hair. Cloudy in AM. Steve gets his driver’s permit today. Used our birthday money.