UMW at CEC. Nancy Davis program. I didn’t go as my arthritis hurt so. Washed clothes. I’m still very sore and lame. Martin Hagan died today, 88 years.
Yearly Archives: 1980
Diary Entry for 4/11/1980
Dentist appointment 2:30 PM. One filled, x-rays, and checkup, $26. Got a few groceries. I called Mary H to tell her Giltz house is for sale. District meeting at Antwerp, I didn’t go. Sent Orv card.
Diary Entry for 4/12/1980
Rainy and cloudy. Sunday School paper drive. Washed clothes. Merrill cleaned floors. Card party at C. Schell’s. 5 tables. Nice time.
Diary Entry for 4/13/1980
We went to church, 98 out. We went to Jim’s in PM and for supper.
Diary Entry for 4/14/1980
Mrs. Cameron goes to Toronto with Fred Watson. B-12 shot. PNG’s at Leah’s. I didn’t go. Terrible windy in evening. Rained.
Diary Entry for 4/15/1980
Mrs. Cameron called to say Hauser Company fellow is arriving today. [church windows] Called several about it. Merrill went to Hall’s to build fence but didn’t stay. Hauser didn’t come.
Diary Entry for 4/16/1980
Some snow during night. Boot’s 8th birthday. He had cupcakes with candles. Joel, Jill and Patty here for lunch. She brought out wash. Her new Sears washer won’t be delivered until Tuesday. Men from Hauser’s got to church about 3 PM. Merrill went over with contract.
Diary Entry for 4/17/1980
Wrote Vern’s. Hauser’s men finished church windows. We got groceries. I got my hair cut at Laura’s. Got letter from Angie. Orv doing OK.
Diary Entry for 4/18/1980
Saw Oren at hospital for 2nd time. I went to hospital for lab for tests, $25.99 now. Got eye drops and B-12. We went to see movie Coal Miner’s Daughter. Very good. We went to Sackets for Jolie and Jill. Jim and Pat went to Syracuse.
Diary Entry for 4/19/1980
Washed clothes. Merrill built fence for Hall’s for first this spring. He cleaned church on way. Jim called in evening from city. He tore off porch on his house.
Diary Entry for 4/20/1980
We went to church. We went to Brancatella’s in PM. Rainy. Burt Pitkin, 47, died today.
Diary Entry for 4/21/1980
Merrill worked at Hall’s, 7 hours. I washed clothes and bedding. A great day. Warm. Burt Pitkin, 47, died Sunday.
Diary Entry for 4/22/1980
I called Dr. Roberts. Blood count 11.3. I’m to have lab tests in a month. B-12 every other week. We raked on lawns. Becky helped. Went for groceries. Got the kids each a big ball.
Diary Entry for 4/23/1980
Rebekah’s. I went. Burt Pitkin’s funeral. Got letter from June. Vern didn’t get Dean nomination. Merrill worked at Hall’s. Patty and Joel came for girls. Murphy here with fuel oil, $96.9. Cleaned breakfast room.
Diary Entry for 4/24/1980
Merrill worked at Hall’s all day. Cloudy day. Quiet here without girls. Washed windows.
Diary Entry for 4/25/1980
President Carter aborted plans to free hostages in Iran. 8 service men killed in plane crashes trying. On TV all day. Merrill worked at Hall’s. I cleaned living room. Dr. Roberts called. I’m to start iron shots again for 1 month.
Diary Entry for 4/26/1980
I washed bedding, curtains, and clothes about all day. Beautiful day. Merrill worked at Hall’s. I finished cleaning living room. June R gave me necklace for a belated birthday present.
Diary Entry for 4/27/1980
Fast time begins. Pulpit exchange. Rev. William Curtis, Black River here. 95 out. Had refreshments after church. We went to church. We went to Lowville in PM. Aunt Maude went with us. Went to Uncle Len’s and Pauline’s and Garmon’s store.
Diary Entry for 4/28/1980
Vern goes to NJ. Merrill went to Hall’s in AM but didn’t build fence. It rained. Wrote Vern’s. Gave myself B-12 shot. Glenda Webb here to give me iron shot. Merrill changed winter tires. Pastor Parish meeting at Mills. I went with Margaret and Marilyn.
Diary Entry for 4/29/1980
Vern’s interview at Montclair NJ. Raining. We went to city. Got paint for front porch. Got 4 free mugs at Sears. Got Boots’s a new collar at Woolworth’s, $4.70. Called Patty from Sears. Got 2 bags of fertilizer, $18.77.
Diary Entry for 4/30/1980
Merrill worked at Hall’s until 4 PM. I washed kitchen ceiling and some of walls. Glenda here to give me iron shot in evening.
Diary Entry for 5/1/1980
Merrill worked at Hall’s. Mike White and Hank Schell there for lunch. There is a profile article in Times about Jim. Very nice. UMW at Eberly’s. 15 present.
Diary Entry for 5/2/1980
Beautiful day. Merrill went to work at 11 AM at Hall’s. We went for groceries in morning. Bill and Louise Preston are home from Florida. Glenda here to give me 3rd iron shot.
Diary Entry for 5/3/1980
Merrill worked at Hall’s. A beautiful day. Merrill cleaned church in morning. I made cookies and pie. Merrill called Art Haggerty from Hall’s. He found their lost dog. It got shut in Trumbel’s truck. Got letter from Vern’s. Danny had bad eye injury, Hit with ball.
Diary Entry for 5/4/1980
We went to church, 103 out. Cold wind today. We went to Sackets in PM and for supper. Jim has a lot of his patio done. Carl and Evelyn called in evening.
Diary Entry for 5/5/1980
Iron shot. Patty, Joel and Jill came out for day. Patty cleaned all the time she was here. Merrill mowed lawns for first this year. Got down lawn furniture. Wrote Uncle Berl.
Diary Entry for 5/6/1980
Wrote Vern’s. We scrubbed front porch and rest of kitchen. Merrill varnished porch ceiling. Rained most of day. It is in Times that Mike and Doreen got divorced. Business is reason
Diary Entry for 5/7/1980
Wrote Mother T and all. Sent Mother’s Day card. Merrill painted porch. Boots and I went for groceries. Got note from Uncle Berl. Dorothy is in hospital. Had cancer operation.
Diary Entry for 5/8/1980
Mother and Daughter Banquet, 6:30. Connie Wright speaker, Calcium. Merrill and Claude S only men. Glenda gave me iron shot. Merrill painted porch 2nd coat. Also floor. Patty called in morning. Wrote Dot M.
Diary Entry for 5/9/1980
Merrill painted porch floor, 2nd coat of green. Cloudy day. Some rain. I scrubbed bathroom. Merrill fixed porch windows. Tilled garden. Esther brought over invitations to Cameron’s party for me to give out on Sunday. Belile kids brought me flowers.
Diary Entry for 5/10/1980
Jim and Pat’s 11th anniversary. Mike White’s birthday. I called their anniversary into radio station WNC2. Patty and kids came out and kids gave me corsage for Mother’s Day. Got stuff back on porch. Merrill got hair cut. Gary B on 2 weeks Army training.
Diary Entry for 5/11/1980
Mother’s Day. We went to church, 105 out. We went to Jim and Pat’s for dinner. Turkey. They gave me Silverstone fry pan and spatula. Vern and June called in evening.
Diary Entry for 5/12/1980
PNG’s at Esther’s. 8 there. Bill and Vi Mowers sold their trailer at Clayton. We started cleaning side porch. Merrill shellacked ceiling and 2 sides. Kavanaugh’s across road started moving stuff.
Diary Entry for 5/13/1980
We went to city. Got 2 used windows for porch on Water Street, $27. Got lumber $15. Called Marg and Roy. Marg is walking with a cane. Rainy.
Diary Entry for 5/14/1980
Rebekah’s. I didn’t go. Wrote Uncle Berl and sent Patty card and note. Merrill pointed porch white. He mowed lawns in PM.
Diary Entry for 5/15/1980
Patty’s 33rd birthday. Merrill worked at windows. Wrote Vern’s but didn’t get it mailed. I don’t feel very peppy. Arthritis bad.
Diary Entry for 5/16/1980
FFA Banquet. I made a ginger bread for it. Merrill worked at windows. Patty, Jill and Joel here for lunch. Brought us birthday cake. We gave her flat iron. Sent Vern’s letter.
Diary Entry for 5/17/1980
Armed Forces Day. We went to Fort Drum. So much to see. Big crowd. Merrill went to dump and cleaned church. Sent back jury questionnaire. Hot, 75°. Jim’s Scouts at State Office Building this week. Merrill stopped at Hall’s. S [?] Rudes and Jim Purcell married today.
Diary Entry for 5/18/1980
Raining. Wrote Gehm’s. Sent Don birthday card. We went to church, 90 out. 2 babies baptized, Brian Shorkey and a week old baby. Aunt Maude and Cheryl went to Syracuse to see Carrie. They stopped at Orv’s. Mt. St. Helens erupted yesterday. Many lives lost.
Diary Entry for 5/19/1980
A nice day. Merrill went to Hall’s but didn’t work. Debby is home for few days. Merrill worked at screens. Administrative Board meeting, 16 out. Last meeting with Rev. Cameron. Carl’s 52nd birthday.
Diary Entry for 5/20/1980
Merrill worked at Hall’s in forenoon. I started cleaning upstairs. Washed bedding, curtains, clothes. Rev Cameron called me to notify Administrative Board about special meeting tomorrow night about washer and dryer. Merrill planted most of garden.
Diary Entry for 5/21/1980
Merrill planted rest of garden. I finished cleaning upstairs. We had a special Administrative Board meeting with Rev Owen, DS. 13 people there. Decided not to buy washer and dryer for new family.
Diary Entry for 5/22/1980
Don Gehm’s 69th birthday. Rev. Cameron’s 67th birthday. Merrill mowed the lawns. Boots and I went for groceries. I washed clothes. Got letter from Uncle Berl. Dot is out of hospital.
Diary Entry for 5/23/1980
Vern has eye appointment, 4 PM. They got here about 6 PM. I called Patty. Baked brownies, pie, muffins, and biscuits. Carl called at 7 PM to say Evelyn Scee, 68 died tonight.
Diary Entry for 5/24/1980
Vern’s left about 2 PM. Patty and kids came in PM and were here for supper. Vern fixed burner on my stove. I called Dorothy Hogaboom in evening. Glenda here to give me iron shot.
Diary Entry for 5/25/1980
We went to church, 71 out. We had lunch with Aunt Maude. We went to Funeral Home for Evelyn Scee’s wake. Saw lots of folks we haven’t seen in ages. Called Marg. Got geraniums and left them at cemetery on way home. Marg and Roy came out to cemetery today. I called Uncle Berl. Good to talk to him.
Diary Entry for 5/26/1980
Decoration Day. No mail. Evelyn Scee’s funeral at Bethany Church. Large funeral. We went to Sackets after. Jim got home from Portaferry. Had lab tests at hospital, $25.99.
Diary Entry for 5/27/1980
Merrill started work on Gleesner’s chopper wagon. Carl Scee here in AM. Carl is going to Florida for a week or so. I washed clothes.
Diary Entry for 5/28/1980
I called Dr. Roberts. Blood count 10.8. Blood cells normal. Continue with 3 cc iron twice a week and B-12 once a week. Merrill worked at Gleesner’s. I cleaned dining room, our bedroom, and hallway. Nice day. I went to Rebekah’s. Glenda gave me shot. Got note from Vern’s.
Diary Entry for 5/29/1980
June R and Laura’s birthday. Merrill finished job at Gleesner’s. We went for groceries. Thunder storm and rainy in evening. Badly needed.