Yearly Archives: 1977

Diary Entry for 9/7/1977

We went to hospital to feed mom her lunch. Went to Adams and Don’s. Got back in time to help Mom with her supper. Went up to WOTT to see contest signs. Ate at McDonalds. Wrote Olive. Rebekah President, State visit to Philadelphia

Diary Entry for 9/8/1977

Wrote Vern’s. Merrill drawed manure pile. We didn’t go to hospital. I canned tomatoes and made pickles. Went to Philadelphia for groceries. Saw Vi. She said Martha and Dick were married last Friday night. September 2. Mary brought us corn. Lynn mowed hay.

Diary Entry for 9/9/1977

We went to hospital at 11:30 AM. Got home at 7 PM. Mom’s not feeling very strong. Didn’t talk much. Merrill cut wood in morning. Got picture card from Uncle Berl’s new home. Got invitation to Art and Doris 25th anniversary. Dean Webb had heart attack.

Diary Entry for 9/10/1977

I went to hospital alone. Merrill mowed lawns, threw wood down cellar. Lynn drawed hay across road. They moved Mom to room 410. Phone 785-4382. Debby got home from Texas. Came to hospital with Roy and Marg. Mom very thirsty.

Diary Entry for 9/15/1977

Merrill stayed all night at hospital. Mom much weaker. Don’s and Jim’s here. Benjamin family at hospital all night also. Chapman. Marg and Roy stayed until 5 AM with me. Got strawberries and peas at Agway. Merrill took Jim’s peas and cauliflower.

Diary Entry for 9/17/1977

FFA and 4-H Fair at school. Our club had exhibit. Girls and Mary and Joanne looked after it for me. Nice day. I went home and washed my hair. Showered etc. Washed clothes. Washed Mom’s dresses. Juanita and I stayed at hospital all night. Marg and Roy came to see Mom.

Diary Entry for 9/18/1977

Jim left for police class at Saratoga. Merrill went to church. Came to hospital afterwards. Raining. Mom much weaker. Juanita, Pauline and Garmon at hospital all night with me. I came home to spend night. Juanita there.

Diary Entry for 9/19/1977

Mom died at 8:30 AM. Juanita and Pauline with her. Garmon was asleep in camper. Benjamin girls there at hospital. Don, Juanita, Ken, Eleanor, Merrill and I went to Piddocks at 1 PM. Rev. Dave Bergner came to Don’s. Called Uncle Berl, Bowman’s, Patty, Arts, Vern called. Cloudy day.

Diary Entry for 9/20/1977

Visiting hours 2-4 and 7-9. More at night than PM. We went to Beulah Macklin’s for supper. Vern’s came out here to spend night. June brought chili. Jim at police school at Saratoga. He feel bad he can’t come. Raining.

Diary Entry for 9/21/1977

Mom’s funeral 2 PM at Piddocks. Large funeral. A lot of cars in funeral procession. Beatrice and Braynard, George and Nelda, Beulah and Garmon, and Loren and Vera over from Canada. About 60 here after funeral. Vern left at 7 PM. Roy, Marg, Ken and Eleanor rode home with him.

Diary Entry for 9/22/1977

Tired today. Wasn’t out of the house all day or evening. Merrill cut wood. Still damp and cloudy. Ruth Eggleston and Mrs. Cameron called. Got several cards. Bowman’s sent $20 for Lorraine memorial fund.

Diary Entry for 9/23/1977

We went out home. Ken’s there also. Got a lot of Mom’s affairs settled. Don, Juanita, Ken, Merrill and I went to Mrs. Olive Benjamin’s wake. She shared room with Mom at hospital, 410. Paid Piddocks $1960. I went to nominating committee meeting.

Diary Entry for 9/28/1977

Raining all day. Went to Lorraine. We sorted Mom’s clothes. Too rainy for Merrill to work on porch. We went to Sackets for supper with Patty and kids. Jim called her to say he passed tests and is now a certified Police Instructor.

Diary Entry for 9/30/1977

Sent Vern card and $5. and letter. He postponed his birthday this year. Still raining. Had 4-H here. Only 5 out, 1 guest. Sent thank you cards. We went to city. Went to Doctors and Social Service office etc. for Mom’s affairs. Got slack suit.

Diary Entry for 10/1/1977

Got card saying Pauline and Carl Cornish have baby girl named Tami Lynn. Got sympathy card from Debbie and Rick Golden. Baked cookies and pie. Raining all day. Merrill cleaned church and put in light bulbs. Bill and Brenda Draper moved to Bishop’s Farm.

Diary Entry for 10/6/1977

Got Blue on 4-H window. We went to Lorraine. I stopped at A.Cozzi to have stone lettered and numbered. Put Mom’s check, refund, in Adams bank. Debby and I went through stuff in desk. Juanita working at church. Talked with Eleanor, Mary, Beulah, and Patty. Called 4-H kids in evening. Got groceries.

Diary Entry for 10/7/1977

Jim, Pat, Jill and Joel here for lunch. 4-H Achievement Night at General Brown. Only Lisa, Kim, Jody and Joanne went. Sent Mom’s doctor bill, ambulance fee, $20. and her Social Security check back. We went to Art and Doris party from 11-1. Evelyn and Jr. Hales band played.

Diary Entry for 10/14/1977

4-H here. 8 members present. Election of officers. Two new members. Ginger Johnson, Gloria Gleason. Folks from Clayton here to look at heifer. Merrill went to Don’s. Ralph Hogaboom at Don’s awhile.

Diary Entry for 10/18/1977

World Series, 6th game against Dodgers. Got letter from Vern’s. Jim, Pat and kids here for supper. Jim got new chain saw. I went to Philadelphia for B-12 shot in PM. Merrill cut wood. Don Turner here with extension dues, $5 now.

Diary Entry for 10/19/1977

4-H Leader’s Banquet. Northside Improvement League. We went. Jim and Jerry McGraw flew to Albany police meeting today. Nice day. Sunny and warm. Merrill worked at Don’s. Got letter from Olive Bowman. Norma Gee here with cards.

Diary Entry for 10/25/1977

Sent Steve card, letter, and $5 check. Today is his 13th birthday. Merrill cut wood. Went up and looked at Dimon house. Went to Mills for feed. Took gift to Vi’s for Martha. Jim, Patty and kids here for supper. Brought us apples.

Diary Entry for 10/26/1977

Jim starts new job as police instructor. Works 9-5. Saturday and Sunday off. We went to Don’s. Juanita, Debby and I went down to Brenda’s new farm. Has been years since I have been to Bishop’s farm. Cindy and Ethan getting married in November