Vern’s left about 9:45 AM. We didn’t go to church. Stormy. “Love and Action”, 7:30. We went. Was by candlelight as power was off all over. Off from 5:30 to midnight.
Yearly Archives: 1975
Diary Entry for 7/21/1975
PNG’s picnic at Vi’s. I didn’t go. Jefferson County Fair opens. I took Marie, Nora, Linda, Alison, Lorraine, Roger and Marg out with exhibits. We ate at Carrolls. Merrill cleaned out kitchen drain. It has been running slow. Thunder storms in evening. Stopped at Fays store. Jim called.
Diary Entry for 7/22/1975
Jim’s here. Jim helped hay, 2350 bales now. Patty and I did garden stuff. Had 8 vegetables out of garden for supper. Boiled dinner, cabbage salad. Tomatoes and cukes. Patty made 17 pints of bread and butter pickles.
Diary Entry for 7/23/1975
I had tooth pulled at Dr. Sommer’s in morning, $12. He took x-rays. Jim’s here in PM. Vicky came with them. Drawed 2 load of hay.
Diary Entry for 7/24/1975
Drawed 2 load of hay. Rained about 3 PM. Roger helped. Paid him, $4. I went for groceries in morning. We went to Gouverneur for twine and bill hook for baler, $21.55. Got letter from Dan and card from Beulah Hall.
Diary Entry for 7/25/1975
I went to Mills for oil. Merrill and I drawed 1 load of hay. Too windy to rake it. Cold and windy all day. Wrote Don’s. Mrs. Cameron called. She has a new Amana freezer. Dean We[?} had a heart attack.
Diary Entry for 7/26/1975
Don’s 52nd birthday. Merrill and I mowed all 3 lawns. Good to have them all mowed at same time. Drawed 1 load of hay. 2900 bales in. Wrote Beulah at Ken’s. She gets there today. Made cookies in AM, donuts in evening. Randy LaFave killed.
Diary Entry for 7/27/1975
Mrs. Cameron’s 64th birthday. We went to church. Drawed part of a load before it rained. Merrill mowed some. Wrote Vern’s in evening. Raining in evening, stormed too. Art and Doris and Douglas here in evening.
Diary Entry for 7/28/1975
Administrative Board meeting at 8 PM. 10 members present. We stopped at Randy LaFave’s wake. I made shorts and 2 tops. Washed clothes. Merrill mowed and raked hay. Too wet to draw.
Diary Entry for 7/29/1975
Drawed hay. Uncle Lloyd and Beulah here for supper. Patty, Vicky, and girls came in evening to stay while Jim and plumber are doing kitchen and bathrooms. They started today.
Diary Entry for 7/30/1975
The girls went to city. Patty went to Dr. They went to Sackets. Jim has the kitchen all torn up. Even took out the stove. Brenda and kids here. She has two fresh air kids. Lisa and Patty, and Bob Payne here in evening to see hay, 17 acres @ $20.
Diary Entry for 7/31/1975
Terry Hall had pin put in leg. Drawed 2 load of hay. Roger mowed away 3 loads. Patty worked cleaning house all day. Prepared meals. Also made 9 pints pickles. Got letter about lawn mower rolls. Jim called in evening.
Diary Entry for 8/1/1975
Beulah comes tomorrow. Patty and girls went to Sackets in PM. Merrill and I drawed 1 1/2 loads of hay. A very hot day, 97°. Patty cleaned house. Washed clothes, etc.
Diary Entry for 8/2/1975
Ken and Lois brought Beulah at 1 PM. Merrill went to Sackets to help Jim. Very hot, about 100° in places. Payne’s mowed hay. Got car insurance, $111.
Diary Entry for 8/3/1975
Very hot and muggy. We went to church. Beulah and Jolie went too. Vicky went to Catholic church. Vicky left about 3 PM. Jim came in evening after work.
Diary Entry for 8/4/1975
Beulah and I went visiting to Antwerp. Clara Wallace, Emma Hall and Cliff Hall. Ate at diner. Merrill went to Jim’s with Patty and girls. Rained about all day. Pat and Jolie went over to Brancatella’s.
Diary Entry for 8/5/1975
Patty and Jill went to Sackets in morning. Jill had Dr. appointment. Merrill, Beulah, Jolie, and I went to Clear Lake to see Pauline Giltz. Humphrey’s cottage. Cooler in evening. Payne’s drawed hay.
Diary Entry for 8/6/1975
Organ meeting, 7:30 Heck’s. Clara Wallace, 84 today. Cindy’s 14th birthday. Merrill went to meeting. Rained about all day. Cold. Had furnace on and fire in stove. Lois and Joe came after Beulah about 11. We canned tomatoes.
Diary Entry for 8/7/1975
Sent $2 for Town and Country. Patty and girls went home today. We went to Philadelphia for groceries. Marilyn gave me B-12 shot. Also stopped at Vi’s and Aunt Maude’s. Drawed 1 load hay. Froze zucchini squash and started dill pickles in evening. Rainy, cold.
Diary Entry for 8/8/1975
Finished haying, 3800 bales. Washed clothes. Nice day. Hot sun, 82°. Made dill pickles. Sent check for part for lawn mower.
Diary Entry for 8/9/1975
Night blooming cirrus plant had a 10 inch blossom open in evening. So very beautiful. Merrill mowed all 3 lawns. I made rolls. Washed rugs. I painted flag pole, mailbox, birdbath, birdhouse, benches and bricks. Ethel Johnson died this morning. Vi called. Aunt Maude called in evening.
Diary Entry for 8/10/1975
Terry H came home from hospital. Been there since July 18. Hot and windy. We went to church. Bill Mattingly gave us good sermon. 46 there. Lorena Smith brought Beulah back in evening. Other blossom on night blooming cirrus blossomed. About 8 inches.
Diary Entry for 8/11/1975
We took Beulah to Clayton to Lucy Wicks. We went to Sackets by Dexter way. Merrill helped Jim put in kitchen window and cupboards up. Jill’s first tooth is through. Rained in AM. Sent Holly card. The beaver is official state animal. We found Andy, cat, dead. We went over to see Terry.
Diary Entry for 8/12/1975
Merrill went to Philadelphia and Watts to plan garage. I froze corn. Art Haggerty went into hospital Sunday with pinched nerve. Is in traction. I called over there. Talked with Stuart and Vicky. I lost filling in front tooth. Dawn was over. Sent car insurance, $111. Sent Agway order over.
Diary Entry for 8/13/1975
Merrill chopped grass for cows. Merrill started work on Watts garage. Patty and girls came out and froze corn and peppers. Made pickles and canned 7 pints of tomatoes. Rained hard in PM. Thunderstorms. Got letter from June.
Diary Entry for 8/14/1975
Gov. Carey at Keichels farms. About 500 out to see him there. We didn’t go over. Merrill worked at Charles garage. Boots and I went for groceries in AM. Washed clothes.
Diary Entry for 8/15/1975
Dr. Sommer’s, 8:30 AM. He took x-rays of my teeth, $23. Merrill worked at Watts. I made 7 dozen fried cakes, 5 dozen for booth tomorrow, organ fund booth. Froze corn in evening.
Diary Entry for 8/16/1975
Philadelphia Civic Days. A nice day. I fried donuts all day. Joyce made them. Made 72 dozen. had 35 others donated. 107 dozen, and all sold. Esther and Ray brought me home.
Diary Entry for 8/17/1975
We went to church. Joyce G gave wonderful sermon. Said we made about $355 on booth yesterday. Jim, Pat, and girls here for dinner. Brought us new toaster. Proctor Silex. We canned pickles and 14 quarts tomatoes.
Diary Entry for 8/18/1975
PNG’s at Carries. 16 there. I went to Mills for Beulah and Lois. Vi took them home. I went with her. Merrill got other wagon for grass working. Mom called. I washed clothes.
Diary Entry for 8/19/1975
I made 10 pints bread and butter pickles. Merrill worked at Watts. Got letter from Vern’s and clipping of frog jumping contest from Syracuse paper.
Diary Entry for 8/20/1975
Wrote Dot. Merrill worked at Watts. I made cake, cupcakes, and chocolate chip cookies. Called Doris H. Art came home last Thursday. He is in traction at home.
Diary Entry for 8/21/1975
Merrill worked at Watts. I felt miserable all day. Diarrhea. Dumping station wouldn’t work in evening. Milk inspector, Cornell, here.
Diary Entry for 8/22/1975
Eleanor called. They are camping at Crystal. Vern’s got home from vacation. Got 2 cards from them. Got gears for lawn mower, $6.50. We went to city. Got inflation rubbers. Got 19 inch colored TV $340 at Grants. Dawn was over.
Diary Entry for 8/23/1975
Sent Karen card. Today is her 11th birthday. Merrill worked at Watts. I washed clothes. I’ve felt horrid all day. Bowel upset.
Diary Entry for 8/24/1975
We went to church. Cheryl gave a very good service. Ken and Eleanor here for supper. They spent the weekend at Crystal Lake. Jim Madison here in evening.
Diary Entry for 8/25/1975
Very hot and muggy, 90°. Merrill worked at Watts. I canned 7 quarts of tomatoes and 3 cans of dill pickles. Washed my hair. Made donuts.
Diary Entry for 8/26/1975
Wrote Vern’s. Merrill worked at Watts in PM. Got letter from Dot M. Jim’s here for supper. It rained in evening. Thunder storm. Gillette checked cows, $13.
Diary Entry for 8/27/1975
Vern and June’s 15th anniversary. Merrill finished garage job at Watts, 46 1/2 hours at $4. I canned 7 quarts of tomatoes. The Cameron’s got home from Florida. She called in the evening. Called Dr. Roberts.
Diary Entry for 8/28/1975
Boots and I went to store. Took Mrs. Cameron’s plant back to her. Merrill brought new black angus calf to barn. Heifer freshened. I picked another bushel of tomatoes. We went to Amish church in evening for first time.
Diary Entry for 8/29/1975
Marilyn gave me B-12 shot. Gave her tomatoes. Rainy. We spent most of the day at Mom’s. Don’s had gone to city. Got peaches at Johnnies, $4.99 3/4 bushel. Got Jim’s 3 bushel. Called Patty. Got note from Uncle Berl.
Diary Entry for 8/30/1975
Cloudy day. Cool. I cleaned house. Cleaned registers. Washed clothes.
Diary Entry for 8/31/1975
We went to church. Rev. Cameron back. Jim’s brought girls to stay over, while they went to Rudes for family picnic. Jerry Lewis Telethon started at 9 PM.
Diary Entry for 9/1/1975
Cloudy. We watched Telethon all day. Almost 19 million. Jim, and Pat came after girls. They told us Patty is pregnant and expecting in February. Pat brought lemon pie.
Diary Entry for 9/2/1975
Jim’s 32nd birthday. Rained off and on all day. Bill here with fuel oil for first @ 39 cents. Merrill built fence around spring house. Mrs. Cameron gave me dove pin. UMW at CEC, first meeting. 9 out. I furnished cake.
Diary Entry for 9/3/1975
Canned 7 quarts peaches. Froze 2 packages. Not very good. Merrill stored hay machinery. I had pap test at clinic at Philadelphia. Got School Tax notice, $445.63 up $70.25. Assessed, $9100. Sent Ruth Schell card in House of Good Samaritan.
Diary Entry for 9/4/1975
Wrote Mom. Mrs. Cameron went with me to Agway for frozen foods. Bagged, strawberries, 30 pounds. Part of Jim’s. Also got peas and mixed vegetables. Dentist office called me twice. Dr. Sommer’s will pull my teeth. Merrill mowed lawns. Got note from Beulah Hall.
Diary Entry for 9/5/1975
Dentist appointment, 8:30. Had 2 teeth pulled, $17. Made donuts and cake. Vern’s got here about 6 PM. Vern left for Aldersgate about 7. Nice day.
Diary Entry for 9/6/1975
June and I made apple pies. Boys, June and I gathered weeds for June of Ridge. Vern got back from Aldersgate about 7. He stopped to see Dean Webb.
Diary Entry for 9/7/1975
Vern’s left about 10 AM. He had meeting at 2 PM. We went to church. Back at old time, 11:15. Good turn out. We went to see Mrs. Beardsley in PM. She is good.