Vern’s called in morning. Bringing boys up tomorrow. Fireman’s field days at Philadelphia. 4-H Walk and Bike show. Merrill went to Aunt Maude’s for garden tiller. Gave myself a Tip Toni. Washed clothes.
Yearly Archives: 1975
Diary Entry for 6/1/1975
Rained hard all night. We went to church. Only 68 there today. Vern, June and boys came about 2 PM. Here for supper. Boys stayed up for the week.
Diary Entry for 6/2/1975
Cooler but nice. Jim’s here for PM and supper. We all worked in garden. Got letter ready to send for lawn mower parts. Boys wrote Vern’s
Diary Entry for 6/3/1975
Dr. Pinkerton, Kingston, 8:30 AM. Says my eyes should be OK if I keep blood count up. Raining most of day. Saw Dr. Pinkerton only once. Took boys around Kingston. Ate lunch there. UMW at CEC, 11 out. Saw the parsonage bathroom.
Diary Entry for 6/4/1975
Merrill and I had EKG at Philadelphia Clinic. Boys got letters from Vern and June. Sent card to Bob Flaherty in Carthage Hospital. Organ fund meeting at Heck’s. We all went. 11 committee members there.
Diary Entry for 6/5/1975
Colder and rainy and windy in PM. Merrill mowed 2 lawns. Went to Philadelphia for groceries. Got card from Margaret Switzer.
Diary Entry for 6/6/1975
Still raining. No 4-H meeting. Lila Miller to come home today from hospital. I baked pies. Cleaned floors. Vern and June got here about 8 PM. Brought me an impatience plant, pink blossoms Got letter from Uncle Berl.
Diary Entry for 6/7/1975
Vern’s left about 9:30. Vern Tryon, Missionary pilot and bride was going to call them. Rained all day. I went up to CEC to help set tables up with Marilyn, Margaret and Peter. Washed my hair. Made cake for church dinner.
Diary Entry for 6/8/1975
The Now Dimensions at church and 2 PM concert. Just great. Got record #3. I didn’t get to church. I got dinner stuff ready at CEC. Fed 100 people ham dinner. $36.86 collected for it. About 200 out to church. Not as many to concert.
Diary Entry for 6/9/1975
Wrote Uncle Berl. Sent my life insurance. No rain today. Dr. Roberts 4 PM. Have to have blood test Wednesday morning at 9 AM. I got prescription for drops from Dr. Scanlon. Also eye test report. We went to Jim’s. Merrill helped him put on sheet rock.
Diary Entry for 6/10/1975
18 PNG’s went to the Villa near natural Bridge. Nice dinner. I went with Vi. Jim’s here in PM and supper. We all worked in garden. Looks so nice.
Diary Entry for 6/11/1975
Rebekah’s Exchange of collars from Antwerp Lodge, Leah Simonds, Von Pike. 32 present. I went to hospital in morning for blood test. I cut my finger at supper time. Bad cut. Got Mom dress at Fays. Wrote Mom. Merrill mowed front lawn. Stopped at Brenda’s.
Diary Entry for 6/12/1975
Wrote Dot. Raining about all day. We went to Philadelphia for groceries. Sent Mom letter.
Diary Entry for 6/13/1975
Friday the 13th. Washed rugs and Merrill’s work clothes. Merrill got cards from Vern’s and boys. Steve and Dan wrote letters. Made donuts and angel food cake for Legion supper.
Diary Entry for 6/14/1975
Church puts on Legion supper. Fed 139. Got paid for 175. Made about $350. Got $58 in tips. I got home at 10:30. Went at 2:30. 4-H girls worked, Nora, Linda, Judy, Lorraine and Lisa. Wrote Beulah.
Diary Entry for 6/15/1975
Sunday School picnic. We went to church. About 9 graduates there. We went to picnic. Went to Brenda’s in PM. Don’s and Mom there. We all went to cemetery. Mom came home with us. Windy in evening.
Diary Entry for 6/16/1975
Got $100 check for first organ fund money, Esther T. Nice day. Jim’s came for lunch. Merrill and Jim worked in garden. Patty took home radishes and lettuce. Gave Mom dress for her birthday. Patty washed her hair. I made cake in evening.
Diary Entry for 6/17/1975
Vern’s. Mom’s 83rd birthday. Beautiful day. We spent day at Vern’s, 9:30 – 4 PM. Merrill cut tree stumps for them. Don and Bea Gehm there for visit before going to Florida to live. Had birthday cake for Mom.
Diary Entry for 6/18/1975
Muggy day. Washed Mom’s clothes. Merrill and Boots went to Mills for feed. Merrill worked at Carl Horton’s.
Diary Entry for 6/19/1975
We went to Uncle Len’s and Winifred’s in Lowville. Both their new homes are so nice. Betty not too good. Had been to doctors. Merrill mowed lawn in evening. Got letter from Dot M. She may come next year.
Diary Entry for 6/20/1975
Cool. I worked in garden most of PM. Looks nice. Merrill worked at Carl Horton’s all day. Mom went to Aunt Maude’s with Merrill in PM. Is going to stay all night. Graduation.
Diary Entry for 6/21/1975
Merrill mowed rest of lawns. Merrill worked at Horton’s in PM. I washed clothes. Cleaned floors in kitchen and laundry. I went up to Aunt Maude’s’ for Mom in evening.
Diary Entry for 6/22/1975
We went to church. Mom enjoyed it so much. Church starts at 9:30 next Sunday. We took Mom to Aunt Keitha’s in PM. Aunt Keitha not too good. Called Jim’s. Patty has [w?] neck. In cast.
Diary Entry for 6/23/1975
Hot, 80°. We went to city. Merrill got 2 batteries at Agway, $43.56. Got draw bar welded. I got material for blue dress. Also for shorts and tops. Merrill sawed out stuff for Lorraine for VB School. I called Mom at Aunt Keitha’s. Dorts there. Jean in hospital with food poison.
Diary Entry for 6/24/1975
80° at 8 AM. Wrote June. Sent her $5. Sent Debbie G $3 for graduation. Made tank top, yellow. Jim’s here in PM and supper. Patty went to doctors on way here. Spine x-rays OK. Merrill mowed first hay by house this year.
Diary Entry for 6/25/1975
Marilyn gave me B-12 shot in evening. Merrill and I went to Rebekah’s. Odd Fellows, 5, met with us to talk about what we can do about the Hall. It needs roof fixed. Started green dress. Merrill worked on baler. Robert Flaherty age 73 died at noon in Carthage hospital.
Diary Entry for 6/26/1975
June’s 37th birthday. Baled first hay this year. Boots and I went for groceries. Hot all day, 84°. Finished dress.
Diary Entry for 6/27/1975
Drawed 1 1/2 loads of hay. Vi and I went to Flaherty’s in PM. Vi and Bill went to Martha’s as they got call she is sick. I took Tuna casserole to Alice. Jacob’s Brothers at church, 7:30. Huge crowd. Very good.
Diary Entry for 6/28/1975
Bob Flaherty’s funeral, 2 PM. Church was full. We went. We went to Philadelphia and Evans Mills in AM. Got 2 bales twine, $66.. Charlie Watts asked Merrill to build him garage. Lisa here to make out 4-H report.
Diary Entry for 6/29/1975
Marva and Fred’s wedding, 2 PM at church. A lovely wedding and reception at CEC. About 100 there. Alice F there. We went to church. It started at 9:30. Not as many out.
Diary Entry for 6/30/1975
4-H outing to park. All went but Judy and Jackie and Brancatella’s. Mary, Marilyn and boys, Donna and Marie’s two sisters went also. Bought food at McDonalds. Most went swimming. Nora took birthday cake. Merrill mowed front lawn. Raked hay. Gas is $.584, at Murphy’s.
Diary Entry for 7/1/1975
Beautiful day. Hot. Boots and I went to Philadelphia in AM. Got $99 more for organ fund. We drawed 2 loads of hay. Merrill raked and mowed also. Lorraine B, kids, and Pat’s mother here in PM. Got letter from June.
Diary Entry for 7/2/1975
Drawed 2 loads of hay. Rained and thundered in evening. Merrill mowed. Vi called to say Leah’s brother, Ivan Salisbury, 53, died of heart attack. Martha Meeks feeling better.
Diary Entry for 7/3/1975
Too wet to draw hay. Merrill finished Horton’s barn. Jim’s here most of day. Ricky Baker came with them. Merrill went up to Horton’s.
Diary Entry for 7/4/1975
I worked in garden in AM. Drawed 2 loads of hay in PM. Very hot, 85° today. We went to Philadelphia for groceries. Got 1 dozen Mason jars, $2.69. Called Aunt Maude. She is feeling better.
Diary Entry for 7/5/1975
Stork shower for Windy (Arnold) Graham. I went. Was at Joyce’s. Nice time about 20 there. We drawed 2 load of hay. Sent cards to Clara Wallace, broke leg, and Leah. I helped Arlene prepare communion in PM. Hot 90°
Diary Entry for 7/6/1975
Communion. about 70 there. The Fred Watson family at church back from honeymoon. I helped wash communion glasses. We went to city in PM to Big M store. Sure hot all day.
Diary Entry for 7/7/1975
Drawed 4 load of hay. Cleaned up field across road. 1196 bales so far. A few rain drops in PM. Power off in evening. Made cookies in evening but couldn’t bake them.
Diary Entry for 7/8/1975
Merrill mowed hay by barn. Washed clothes. We went to organ meeting at Heck’s. Went to Alice Flaherty’s first. She had $270 for organ fund. $468 for Bob so far. Fund is $693 to date.
Diary Entry for 7/9/1975
Raining in AM for the first time in weeks. Not very heavy here. Merrill went to Gouverneur to have car inspected. He got twine $23.95 at Coop. Lorraine here to sew on blouse for Fair. Made donuts.
Diary Entry for 7/10/1975
Jolie’s 4th birthday. We drawed one load of hay. Rained in morning some. Wrote Vern’s. Worked in garden. Cooked beets for pickles in evening. I went to Philadelphia for groceries. Stopped at Nancy LaFave’s and Vi’s.
Diary Entry for 7/11/1975
Wrote Mom. Washed clothes. Very windy. Clothesline broke. Froze 5 packages of peas. Carl, Cheryl, and Elizabeth here in evening.
Diary Entry for 7/12/1975
We drawed 2 load of hay. 1488 bales in. Jim’s came in PM. He has been sick with cold. They froze beans and peas to take home. Vern’s called. They are bringing Dan up tomorrow.
Diary Entry for 7/13/1975
Carl and Evelyn Scee stopped by in PM. Steve goes to Aldersgate. Vern’s got here right after we got home from church. 85 at church. Took in $50 on organ fund. We went up to parsonage to check fuses. Went over to Aunt Maude’s. Ella B there.
Diary Entry for 7/14/1975
Merrill mowed hay in AM. We went out to Mom’s in PM. Merrill got tractor plugs at Talcott Falls, $6.10 for 4. Mrs. Cameron called to say it was a loose screw on outside of pole that was causing the problem. Got letter from Uncle Berl.
Diary Entry for 7/15/1975
Don and Juanita’s 25th anniversary. We gave them silver sugar creamer and tray set. We wrote Steve at Camp. Apollo Sojourn Mission. Both got up well. Merrill raked hay. Patsy here to play with Danny. Boys picked black caps.
Diary Entry for 7/16/1975
Nice day. Put in 3 loads of hay. 1542 bales. Merrill mowed 4 acres back of ledge. Roger Hall mowed away 2 load for us. Boots and I went for groceries. Patsy was over. Dan and I wrote Vern and June.
Diary Entry for 7/17/1975
Sent $26 to Times. Up $6 this year. Jim called. They are coming tomorrow. Merrill raked hay. We drawed 2 load. Merrill put new plugs in baler. He mowed hay in evening. I baked cake, pie and crust. Washed clothes in evening. We all got letter from June and Vern.
Diary Entry for 7/18/1975
Terry Hall and Arnold Graham in accident. Dr. Scanlon, 2 PM. I went alone. Everything OK. Jim’s and Ricky came in PM. Helped hay. Here for supper. First “Love and Action” service, about 85 there. Great. Patty froze beans. Roger Hall here to mow away hay, Paid $6.
Diary Entry for 7/19/1975
Vern’s got here in AM with Steve from Aldersgate. Jim’s came about same time. We drawed 2 load hay. “Love and Action”, 7:30. Rained in PM. We went. Vern’s also. Jim’s left early. Not here for supper.