Yearly Archives: 1974

Diary Entry for 4/11/1974

A nice day. Cleaned upstairs. Boots and I went to Philadelphia bank and grocery store. We went to communion covered dish supper at Evans Mills. A large crowd. We got Easter Card from Jolie.

Diary Entry for 4/12/1974

Good Friday. June and boys came in PM. Here for supper. No word from Vern yet from Korea. June brought lemon pies and cookies. Mom called in evening. Bowman’s are at Ken’s. Mom was going down. Aunt Esther about the same.

Diary Entry for 4/13/1974

Got June pink carnation corsage from NY Florist. She left about 3:30 for Syracuse. Thunder storm during day. We went to Taylor’s in evening for party for Lois and Joe Lowery. Dan and Steve went too. Called Aunt Maude.

Diary Entry for 4/14/1974

Easter Sunday. Didn’t go to Cantata. We went to church. 128 out but not as many out as last Sunday. We went for ride after dinner on Creek Road and Oxbow. 80° in PM but cloudy. Thunder storm in evening. Dawn was over.

Diary Entry for 4/15/1974

PNG’s canceled. Got letter from Roberta. Wrote June and Vern. Boys did too. Vern called from Seattle. Jim, Pat and Jolie here for supper. Cold and windy today. The Amish people have moved into Alton’s and Grahams.

Diary Entry for 4/16/1974

Boots’ second birthday. We had a cupcake and 2 candles for him and ice-cream. Jeff here for supper. Spent the night with boys. Mary Hall and I took 4-H girls to Black River garden store, Echo Hill, and Carroll’s for lunch. Brenda brought Karen over. She went with us. Also Gail Myers and Dan and Steve.

Diary Entry for 4/17/1974

Pat B. left for New Jersey on bus to attend his uncle’s funeral. I took Lorraine to Philadelphia in PM. Bill and Vi came after Jeff. We got cards from June today. Mailed in Chicago. Merrill milked for Pat B. Roberta and Bill have baby boy, Luke Nelson, born 12:30 AM, 6 lb, 9 oz.

Diary Entry for 4/18/1974

4-H Roller skating at DeKalb, $1.75. Evelyn, Linda, and I took kids. All went but Cindy. Great time. Merrill milked for Pat. We got cards, letters from June and Vern. Got Vern’s letter mailed from Korea April 8th. Juanita called from Brenda’s.

Diary Entry for 4/20/1974

Vern and June came after boys. Vern brought us mother of pearl decorated box from Korea. Boys and I went to 4-H Roller skating at DeKalb. Evelyn, Linda, and I took kids for groceries. Pat B got home from New Jersey. Brought Merrill pair of work shoes for milking. Lisa B and Linda LaMica picked for Ottawa trip.

Diary Entry for 4/22/1974

Merrill goes to dentist to have 3 teeth out and get upper plate, $400. 1:30 PM. He ate soup, ice cream and coffee for supper. He didn’t go to Lodge. Rained hard all day and evening. I picked up 4-H seeds at 4-H office. Got Heck’s also.

Diary Entry for 4/23/1974

Merrill’s appointment with Dr. Hewitt. He took some off his plate in a couple places. We went to Jim’s. Patty sick with flu. Wrote Mom, Mother T. and Vern’s. Merrill went to meeting about letting IOOF Hall for Teen Center.

Diary Entry for 4/24/1974

UMW District Meeting at Henderson. Margaret M, Leah, and Lula went with me. Elsie was sick and couldn’t go. 200 there. A very nice meeting. Stopped at Jim’s. He and Pat went to doctor for their flu. I went to Lodge in evening.

Diary Entry for 4/25/1974

Lula’s 84th birthday. A hard white frost last night. I started cleaning kitchen. Washed all of walls, cupboards, and ceiling. Merrill raked center lawn. Carl Killenbeck here in evening about Teen Center. Washed clothes.

Diary Entry for 4/26/1974

Dr. Hewitt, 2:30. Merrill had final check up unless he has a problem. I painted kitchen ceiling, cupboards, & table. Boots and I went to Philadelphia for groceries. Merrill got first free check book from Philadelphia bank. Merrill went to Brotherhood meeting at CEC.

Diary Entry for 4/28/1974

Debby Hall’s wedding to Richard Golden. Halls left at 1 AM to go to it. Will drive all night. We went to church. We painted in PM. Warm day. Carl K was here in evening with contract for Teen Center. Thunder storm in evening.

Diary Entry for 4/29/1974

Jeff’s 17th birthday. Hall’s aren’t home yet tonight. Rained hard all day and evening. I painted all PM and evening on kitchen, 2nd coat. White woodwork yet to do. Blue Cross called to ask us to send back check they returned to us. Merrill worked at Teen Center. Got letter from Debbie and Mom.

Diary Entry for 4/30/1974

Bible Study. We started 6 week Love Trip. We went to church for Nation wide prayer service. Had Stanley party at CEC. Made $100. Jim, Pat and Jolie here for supper. Lisa and Donna here in evening. Merrill helped at IOOF building. Merrill was over to Halls in evening. Debbie had a beautiful Jewish wedding.

Diary Entry for 5/1/1974

Blue Cross goes up $28.27. Dr. Roberts, 2:30. Got B-12 shot. He told me I have the heart murmur yet. Also, have a bad heart valve. I’m not to get over tired and must lose a pound a week. I ordered chair seats and backs for kitchen at Sears, $45. Power was off over 2 hours in PM.

Diary Entry for 5/2/1974

Nice day. Merrill went to Theresa to health clinic. Everything normal. We went after groceries in PM. Got groceries for 4-H supper. Washed clothes, also rugs. Mrs. Beardsley has been real sick with flu. Saw Harriet Beebe in store.

Diary Entry for 5/3/1974

4-H here, Food lesson and supper, chili. 15 here for supper. 8 more in evening to hear Jim talk on Law Enforcement. Sent Grace Hardy and Mrs. Beardsley notes. Phone was out for about 3 hours in early evening. Got letter from June.

Diary Entry for 5/7/1974

UMW at Esther’s. Marva showed slides of their trip. Jim, Pat and Jolie here for supper. I went to Bible Study with Ruth. Ruth went to UMW with me. I went to see her house.

Diary Entry for 5/8/1974

Merrill built fence. Boots and I went to Philadelphia store for Africa relief [that] opened in Taylor block. Rebekah’s. Ruth Schell and I on refreshments. Got first milk check from Borden’s, $250. Got one bill from hospital, $18.65

Diary Entry for 5/9/1974

We went to city. Got 6 chair sets at Sears, $45.12. Merrill put 4 on in evening. Got dress at Diana Shop. Sent Jim and Pat anniversary card. Sent Mother T card. Got letter from Vern’s. Called Mom from city. We didn’t go out after her. Pat was over. Nettie Smith died at midnight. She was at lodge last night.

Diary Entry for 5/10/1974

Jim and Pat’s 5th anniversary. Dr. Scanlon, 10:15. He said the light flashes could be 1 of 3 things. Merrill went out after Mom. Saw Jim. Called Patty. Rebekah’s went for Nettie in evening. Good turn out. Power off in PM.

Diary Entry for 5/13/1974

Merrill not feeling good. Getting a cold. Jim, Pat and Jolie here in evening for supper. Jim has sore throat. They brought me candy and tablecloth. We gave Patty perfume and powder.

Diary Entry for 5/16/1974

Merrill went to Crowley’s for free cottage cheese for FFA Banquet at school. Washed clothes. I went to Philadelphia for groceries while Merrill took cheese and pies to school. Carrie T. called. Merrill built fence.

Diary Entry for 5/17/1974

Lisa and Linda leave on Ottawa trip at 7 AM. Merrill mowed all 3 lawns for first time this year. Jim, Pat and Jolie here for supper. Jim spoke on bicycle safety at Anne Wilmert’s. Merrill went with him. Sears repairman checked washer.

Diary Entry for 5/18/1974

We took Mom home. Stopped at Brenda’s on way. Juanita, Doreen, and Mike there. They took Aunt Esther back to hospital by ambulance. Talked with Aunt Maude twice. Debby and Rick at Evelyn’s.

Diary Entry for 5/19/1974

Debbie and Richard Golden party reception at McCormick’s. Very nice. Mike White [?] sang. Rich and his folks very nice. Schell’s went with us. Got home at 12:20. We went to church. I have a cold.

Diary Entry for 5/21/1974

Mother and Daughter covered dish supper. About 105 at supper. Very nice program. Cheryl H. chairman of it. Patty, Jolie and Jim came for it. Jim worked in serving. Merrill built fence. Got pictures back. I went to Bible Study. Pearl went with me.

Diary Entry for 5/23/1974

Rainy in morning but cleared in PM. Merrill mowed all 3 lawns. I went to Philadelphia for groceries. Got tomato plants and geraniums for cemetery. Aunt Maude and Cheryl went to hospital to see Aunt Esther. She is very weak and drugged but she know Aunt Maude.

Diary Entry for 5/25/1974

Washed clothes. Made cake. Feel tired today. Still coughing. Got letter from Vern’s. They are having teacher prospects to dinner for interviews. Pat gave Merrill battery. Debby and Rich left for Pennsylvania.

Diary Entry for 5/26/1974

Art and Doris H, Stuart and Stephen here in evening. Raining in AM. We went to church. We went to cemetery after church. Ate lunch at Carrolls. Stopped at Fays. Merrill had to get vaseline. Took Boots for ride when we got home. John Schell’s have started new home.

Diary Entry for 5/28/1974

Leslie, Mother T. and Aunt Cora here all night. Mother and Les here for dinner then went to Edna’s after Aunt Cora. I went to Bible Study with Pearl. I got card from Ruth E from Galveston, Texas. We went to Theresa. Merrill got hair cut. Got Cross and Switchblade book from Gospel Echo’s.

Diary Entry for 5/30/1974

Got our first TV Guide, from Vern’s. Dr. Roberts, 3:30. He stopped iron capsules. Nice day. Merrill planted cucumbers and set out tomato plants. Lisa here to fill out 4-H report.