Jim was sick with intestinal grippe & couldn’t go to school. He was sick in night.
Yearly Archives: 1958
Diary Entry for 9/9/1958
Norm Honeywell came to chop corn. Jim went to school today. First full day for him. He & Harry walked home from Theresa road. Got Christmas cards from Irene Foley.
Diary Entry for 9/10/1958
First lodge meeting of fall. I went. Raining. They chopped corn in PM.
Diary Entry for 9/11/1958
I took TV back to city. Not working right yet. Norm chopped corn for 8 hours today. Got groceries at noon.
Diary Entry for 9/12/1958
Got TV. Was bad new tube. Irene, Fran, Mary, Virginia, & I, went to Howard’s for fish fry.
Diary Entry for 9/13/1958
Norm finished corn. $175.00. Jim went to city with Marty. I went to Gouverneur to get oil change & signal light fixed. Got new beige suit. Ed & Dick Bennett were here.
Diary Entry for 9/14/1958
Kay Rude’s had birthday supper for Marty & Jim. Got Jim identification bracelet. Merrill & I went to open house at New Indian River School.
Diary Entry for 9/15/1958
Marty Rude’s birthday. 14 years old. Beautiful day today. I went to Whites, Loblaws, & Green Stamp store at noon. Sent in 3 picture films.
Diary Entry for 9/16/1958
Rained all night & most all day. Merrill sawed out table tops.
Diary Entry for 9/17/1958
I went to Whites at noon. Changed table legs.
Diary Entry for 9/18/1958
Cleaned in evening. Merrill got wood at Mills. Washed & did some ironing.
Diary Entry for 9/19/1958
Raining. I went to Johnnies & A&P at noon.
Diary Entry for 9/20/1958
Beautiful day finally. Vernon & June came in PM. Made Vernon’s cake. Got pictures. Very good.
Diary Entry for 9/21/1958
Rained all day. Vernon’s 22nd birthday dinner. Vernon got 2 shirts, billfold. Vern & June left about 4:00 PM.
Diary Entry for 9/22/1958
Sun shining today finally. Merrill worked on Howard’s barn.
Diary Entry for 9/23/1958
Sunny today. Merrill worked on Howard’s barn.
Diary Entry for 9/24/1958
Merrill went to Bill Howard’s auction. I went to lodge. Election of officers. Thelma McKeever, Noble Grand & Evelyn Delles,Vice Grand. Rose LeClair & I bought pizza’s for lunch.
Diary Entry for 9/25/1958
Rained during night. Very hot & muggy all day. Canned peaches in evening. Merrill paid school taxes $161.47.
Diary Entry for 9/26/1958
Jim & I went to Kiechle’s to 4-H meeting. Very warm today.
Diary Entry for 9/27/1958
Raining as usual. We went to city & out home. Furnace man from Sears was here in evening. Ordered blower.
Diary Entry for 9/28/1958
Jim went roller skating. Sun today finally. We went to church. Washed, ironed, & baked. Merrill painted doors & Jim cleaned.
Diary Entry for 9/29/1958
Sunny again today. Merrill went to lodge.
Diary Entry for 9/30/1958
Jim went to “Record Hop”. Merrill sent cow to sale.
Diary Entry for 10/1/1958
Rained all night. Cold today. World Series started today. Yankee’s & Braves. Sent Brenda card.
Diary Entry for 10/2/1958
Howard Hall’s birthday. I got 2 pair shoes at Marsh’s. Low ones $3.99. High heels, $5.99.
Diary Entry for 10/3/1958
Brenda’s 6th birthday. Mary, Irene, Rose, & I, had a $2.00 pizza for lunch. Merrill helped Howard thresh some. Sent Marg birthday card.
Diary Entry for 10/4/1958
Merrill finally got rest of oats combined. I went to Gouverneur in morning. Had new points & plugs put in car. Also had winter tires put on. $29.00. Washed, ironed, & cleaned in PM.
Diary Entry for 10/5/1958
Rained all night. Marg’s birthday. We went to church. I was sick all day. Jim went roller skating. Jean Neville was here.
Diary Entry for 10/6/1958
Real hard frost last night. Nice day. Merrill got 3 ton coal today. Merrill went to lodge.
Diary Entry for 10/7/1958
Little warmer. Sent letter to Uncle Berle. Wrote Vernon note in evening. Got letter from Vernon.
Diary Entry for 10/8/1958
Real warm. Seems good. Antwerp staff installed Rebekah officers. Thelma McKeever, Noble Grand, Evelyn Delles, Vice Grand.
Diary Entry for 10/9/1958
Yankee’s won series from Braves. Very warm. Wallace LeClair & Arthur Dewey were here. Tilo Co to side barn & paint house. $690.00.
Diary Entry for 10/10/1958
Terrible wind & rain in PM. Our TV antenna broke over in night. Margaret & Martha Haggerty’s 16th birthday.
Diary Entry for 10/11/1958
Colder & windy. Painted door casings. Dressed 2 roosters. Bill & Vi were down in evening. Took girls & Jim to Pat’s to dance.
Diary Entry for 10/12/1958
Nice day. I worked all day washing, ironing, & cleaning. Jim went roller skating.
Diary Entry for 10/13/1958
Ground covered with snow here when we got up. No school today.
Diary Entry for 10/14/1958
Mary O’Brien & I went to Kay’s Coffee Shop for lunch. Merrill worked at Charlie Hall’s making stations.
Diary Entry for 10/15/1958
They brought 12 inch blower from Sears. Merrill finished at Mary Hall’s.
Diary Entry for 10/16/1958
Warmer. Rained. Got groceries at noon.
Diary Entry for 10/17/1958
Tired tonight. Have headache. Work is slack at shop.
Diary Entry for 10/18/1958
4-H meeting here. All members present. Also Ronnie. We went to Gouverneur in AM. Saw 59 Chevrolet. Got my old watch. $4.00, main spring.
Diary Entry for 10/19/1958
Nice day. Jim went roller skating. Merrill painted windows in house.
Diary Entry for 10/20/1958
Nice day. Merrill worked at Thompson’s. Tilo Co brought barn shingles.
Diary Entry for 10/21/1958
Mom & Dad’s 43rd anniversary. Buster & Marie Barker’s 13th. Tilo started shingling barn.
Diary Entry for 10/22/1958
Very warm. I stayed home today & painted barn windows. Tilo Co finished barn shingles & painted house shingles. Carleton baled straw.
Diary Entry for 10/23/1958
Tired today. Raining again but warm. Got letter from Mom.
Diary Entry for 10/24/1958
Merrill worked at Millard Thompson’s. Jenny left for Cleveland this PM.
Diary Entry for 10/25/1958
Rained all day. Merrill & I went to city & out home. Took Mom fry pan. Art Hall’s cattle auction. Past Grands at Carrie Thompson’s. I went. Nice time. Kept cows in for first night.
Diary Entry for 10/26/1958
Daylight time ends at 2:00 AM. Raining again. Jim got home from Marty’s. Varnished end tables. Wrote Vernon.
Diary Entry for 10/27/1958
Raining. Merrill finished at Thompson’s.