4-H club boys went on tour of Times office. Carl Allen & Jim came home with me. Carl stayed all night with Jim.
Yearly Archives: 1958
Diary Entry for 4/12/1958
Washed, baked, & cleaned. Went to Theresa. Jim & Carl went fishing. They went to 4-H at Halberts. I took Carl home.
Diary Entry for 4/13/1958
Swell day. Mother & Dad Tryon, Leslie, Grace, & Ronnie were here for dinner.
Diary Entry for 4/14/1958
Cloudy. Lula & Leah called in evening. Jim raked on yards. Merrill worked at Duff’s. He brought home sheet rock samples. Jim went back to school.
Diary Entry for 4/15/1958
I went to Past Grands at Arnold home. Vivian & Nettie had it. Got my hair cut at Joan’s first.
Diary Entry for 4/16/1958
Merrill finished at Myrtles. He closed door between bed & living room. Got furniture out of living room. Ready to start working on it.
Diary Entry for 4/17/1958
Worked only 4 days this week. Don’t have to work until Monday.
Diary Entry for 4/18/1958
Wrote Mom. Didn’t have to work today. Shop closed because of lack of work. Worked at living room. Ordered wall paper.
Diary Entry for 4/19/1958
Merrill went to Sears for new truck tire & tube. $27.00. Jim went with 4-H to TV studio channel 7. Gave myself Stanley perm.
Diary Entry for 4/20/1958
Grand day. Merrill & I went to church. Jim is at Marty’s. Hank Schell was here. Paid Merrill. We went to Theresa for groceries.
Diary Entry for 4/21/1958
Aunt Maude called to say they will have Grandpa’s burial Wednesday. Raining. Colder. Wrote Vernon.
Diary Entry for 4/22/1958
Rainy. Merrill worked on living room. Got more ranch pine sheets. Got letter from Mom. Got my wall paper at Vera’s.
Diary Entry for 4/23/1958
Grandpa Haggerty’s burial at Calcium. I went from work. Got Jim 2 long playing records.
Diary Entry for 4/24/1958
Got letter from Vernon. Mom called about ceiling material.
Diary Entry for 4/25/1958
Haven’t got to work today. Papered living room. Got floor ready to varnish. Jim went to Fireman’s dance at Theresa. Stayed all night at Van Tassell’s.
Diary Entry for 4/26/1958
Merrill, Jim, & I went out home. Merrill & Don started Mom’s kitchen ceiling. Elmer, Melba, & Kids, came when we got home. I went to lodge practice.
Diary Entry for 4/27/1958
Merrill went out home & finished Mom’s ceiling. Elmer, Jim, & Freddie went fishing. Elmer, Melba & kids left about 6:30. Fast time started.
Diary Entry for 4/28/1958
Several girls laid off at shop. Not much work.
Diary Entry for 4/29/1958
I got groceries to noon. Raining. Jeffrey Lynn Hall’s 1st birthday.
Diary Entry for 4/30/1958
I went to lodge practice. Merrill built fence all day. Got letter from Mom.
Diary Entry for 5/1/1958
Wayne Shorkey got home from service. Initiation at Rebekah’s. About 60 there. I took Leah’s place. Also was angel. Hank Schell rode to city. Jim Schell got home from service.
Diary Entry for 5/2/1958
I didn’t have to work today. Merrill got ranch pine & molding for living room. Jim went to “Hop” at Theresa. Washed.
Diary Entry for 5/3/1958
Worked at living room. We went to city for draperies. Got 3 pair at Penney’s. Jim got coat.
Diary Entry for 5/4/1958
Washed dining room curtains & blinds. Merrill worked at living room. Jim went roller skating. I have horrid cold.
Diary Entry for 5/5/1958
Got letter from Vernon. He & June are coming next weekend. Jim was sick & didn’t go to school. Sore throat.
Diary Entry for 5/6/1958
Raining. Jim went to school today.
Diary Entry for 5/7/1958
Sent note to Vernon. Baked cookies & cake.
Diary Entry for 5/8/1958
Got groceries at noon. Stopped at Johnnies on way home.
Diary Entry for 5/9/1958
End of club. Didn’t have to work today. Papered doorway in bedroom. Leslie Graves died today.
Diary Entry for 5/10/1958
Art & Doris Haggerty have baby girl. Vernon brought June home for visit. First time. She is very nice. Jim had 4-H meeting here. 15 present. Jim got 25 chickens at Philadelphia feed mill.
Diary Entry for 5/11/1958
Mother’s day. I got 2 pound box of candy. Jim went roller skating. Vern & June, Merrill & I went for ride. Rained all day. Vern & June left about 7:30.
Diary Entry for 5/12/1958
Cloudy but warm. Merrill bought more hay at Art Hall’s. Washed my hair.
Diary Entry for 5/13/1958
Got letter from Mom. Still raining. One of Jim’s chicks died.
Diary Entry for 5/14/1958
I got laid off from Olga today. Beulah H, Vera C, & I, were on refreshment committee at Rebekah’s. Raining.
Diary Entry for 5/15/1958
Roberta had tonsils & adenoids out at Mercy Hospital. Signed for my unemployment. Mary & Sharon went to city with me. Merrill did wiring at Lynn’s.
Diary Entry for 5/16/1958
Went to Gouverneur for grease job & oil change. Rainy.
Diary Entry for 5/17/1958
Turned cows out for first time day & night. Grand day. Washed clothes. Got set of shears from club. Free prize.
Diary Entry for 5/18/1958
Beautiful day. We went out home. Marty went with us. Mom, kids, & I, drove to Ken’s but Roberta isn’t home yet. Was suppose to get home today.
Diary Entry for 5/19/1958
Rainy again. Merrill worked at Lynn’s. Got hair done at Joan’s.
Diary Entry for 5/20/1958
Elsie Bacon, Carrie Lawton, Myrtle Duff, Beulah Hall, & I, left at 6:00 AM for Rebekah assembly at Saranac Lake. Saw Lois W. take degree. Gouverneur put on drill. Stayed all night at Cranberry Lake.
Diary Entry for 5/21/1958
Colder. We went back to Saranac Lake in PM for evening lodge. Garland put on degree & drill. We got back to Beulah’s camp at 1:00 AM.
Diary Entry for 5/22/1958
We got home at 3:30 AM. I went to city to report for unemployment. Raining. Kind of sleepy today.
Diary Entry for 5/23/1958
Merrill & I went to city. Merrill got overalls & shirts. I got picture for living room.
Diary Entry for 5/24/1958
Sent $6.00 to Readers Digest for 3 years. Swell day. Merrill fitted oat ground. Jim put chicks in garage in large box.
Diary Entry for 5/25/1958
We went to Oswego. Marty Rudes went with us. We had picnic at Fort Ontario with Vern & June. Went through new college buildings.
Diary Entry for 5/26/1958
Charles Strader died today of heart attack. Nice day but kind of cold. Wrote Mom. Sent in 2 films. Took Jim to Philadelphia for scratch grain for chicks. Took Marty home from Philadelphia.
Diary Entry for 5/27/1958
Uncle Ray called to say Charlie Strader died yesterday at 3:00 PM of heart attack while working in garden. I called Aunt Esther. Merrill sowed oats for first. Howard Hall had barn cleaner put in.
Diary Entry for 5/28/1958
Merrill finished planting oats. Charlie Strader’s funeral. Brinston Canada. Mom, Marg, & I left for Canada at 10:00 AM from Uncle Earle’s. Stayed all night at Olive Bowman’s. Charles funeral at church at 2:00 PM.
Diary Entry for 5/29/1958
Had dinner at Ella & Everett Straders. Supper at George Peterson’s. Got home about 8:45 to Uncle Earle’s. Went by bridge both ways. Jim went to dance at Theresa.
Diary Entry for 5/30/1958
Howard & Evelyn’s 6th anniversary. Decoration Day. Nice day. Not too tired today. Vernon got home until June 16. Jim went with Howard & Evelyn on picnic. Pauline Garmon & kids were here in evening.