Yearly Archives: 1953

Diary Entry for 9/15/1953

Washed & canned pickles & tomatoes. Primaries. George Hardy won over Jay McCloud. Muriel Bucknell died today. Geneva S. had operation. Merrill worked at Rappole’s. Vernon went to Sunday School meeting.

Diary Entry for 10/3/1953

Merrill finished plowing. Started packing things upstairs. Brenda’s 1st birthday. Grand day. Men went down to farm. Brought tractor & cultivators. Ralph Beebe was here in evening using saw.

Diary Entry for 10/26/1953

Little colder but nice day. Started packing living room stuff. Vernon went to play practice. Merrill went to lodge. Gave degree to Wayne H. I was suppose to go to Past Noble Grands at Vi’s but I didn’t go.