School started today. Jim in 5th grade. Vernon in 12th grade. Gave out lodge supper slips over phone. Finished ironing.
Yearly Archives: 1953
Diary Entry for 9/9/1953
Rebekah lodge opens for fall. Merrill helped fill silo at Bechard’s. Vernon was elected president of the Seniors. Was president of Juniors last year.
Diary Entry for 9/10/1953
Juvenile Grange for election of officers. Jim & I went. Merrill filled silo at Bechard’s. Was up to Florence’s few minutes. Vernon got his senior ring. $22.85.
Diary Entry for 9/11/1953
Merrill filled silo at Bechard’s. I went to city with Vi all day. Helen, Carl, & kids were here in evening.
Diary Entry for 9/12/1953
Rebekah cafeteria chicken pie supper. Made $40.00. Merrill filled silo at Rappole’s in PM. Merrill & Jim went to city in AM. Merrill got work shoes. $5.59.
Diary Entry for 9/13/1953
Boys went to Sunday School today. Rained hard all day. Merrill’s folks & Kessel came about 3:30. Mother Tryon stayed. Aunt Edna isn’t very well.
Diary Entry for 9/14/1953
Made pickles. Canned tomatoes. Took Mother Tryon to Aunt Edna’s. Merrill went to lodge for first meeting this fall.
Diary Entry for 9/15/1953
Washed & canned pickles & tomatoes. Primaries. George Hardy won over Jay McCloud. Muriel Bucknell died today. Geneva S. had operation. Merrill worked at Rappole’s. Vernon went to Sunday School meeting.
Diary Entry for 9/16/1953
Canned tomatoes & pickles. Rained in morning. Merrill worked at Rappole’s. Merrill, Jim, & I went to Grange. Juvenile put on degree. 5 joined.
Diary Entry for 9/17/1953
P.T.A. Vivian Myers elected president. Vi M. elected treasurer. Edna Fikes elected secretary. Miss Barnes elected vice president. Merrill filled silo at Webb’s.
Diary Entry for 9/18/1953
Merrill finished working at Webb’s. Canned tomatoes & pickles. Muriel Bucknell’s funeral, age 27 years. Merrill & I went to city & Bennett’s.
Diary Entry for 9/19/1953
Merrill got hair cut. Went to Antwerp for butter. Merrill plowed in PM. Canned fruit & tomatoes. Made mincemeat. Made pies.
Diary Entry for 9/20/1953
Boys went to Sunday School We all went to church. Cloudy. Phil Becker’s birthday. Merrill, Jim, & I went up after Mother Tryon to Felts Mills.
Diary Entry for 9/21/1953
Vernon’s 17th birthday. Rainy. Took Mother Tryon to city to get 9:30 bus. Made Vern birthday cake. Merrill went to lodge.
Diary Entry for 9/22/1953
Worked on Jim’s coat. Canned pears.
Diary Entry for 9/23/1953
I took crate of eggs to Manor. Went up home for dinner. Brenda is walking alone now. Went to lodge in evening. Election of officers.
Diary Entry for 9/24/1953
Seniors had paper drive. I went to Home Bureau at Helen’s. First meeting this fall. Had lesson on gloves. Merrill worked all day on Louie’s house.
Diary Entry for 9/25/1953
Seniors had paper drive. Marg & Roy were here for supper. Vernon & Jim went to 4-H at Lawler’s. Merrill finished shingling house at Rappole’s.
Diary Entry for 9/26/1953
Made relish. Baked cakes. Merrill plowed. Merrill & Jimmy went to show in evening. Vernon got haircut. Made scallop potatoes for church supper.
Diary Entry for 9/27/1953
Rainy. Merrill & I went up to Aunt Edna’s & stayed while Uncle Ed went on lodge meeting. Boys went to Sunday School.
Diary Entry for 9/28/1953
Washed & ironed. Merrill went to lodge. Did some of library drive. Seniors finished up paper drive. Charles K’s 9th birthday.
Diary Entry for 9/29/1953
Finished Jim’s coat. Merrill took calf to sale. Merrill bought tractor, plows, & cultivator. Uncle Berle entered hospital in California for varicose veins operation.
Diary Entry for 9/30/1953
Finished library drive. Merrill sold Uncle Ray heifer. Wrote Uncle Berle. Carrie Fikes, & Mom. Warm & windy.
Diary Entry for 10/1/1953
Cheryl’s birthday. Merrill & I went to city. I went to glove lesson #2 at Vi’s in evening.
Diary Entry for 10/2/1953
Made tomato juice. Finished Jim’s coat. Got letter from Mother Tryon.
Diary Entry for 10/3/1953
Merrill finished plowing. Started packing things upstairs. Brenda’s 1st birthday. Grand day. Men went down to farm. Brought tractor & cultivators. Ralph Beebe was here in evening using saw.
Diary Entry for 10/4/1953
Boys went to Sunday school. We all went to church. Holy communion. We all went down to the farm. Boys were in the house for first time. We also drove out to city. Vernon drove.
Diary Entry for 10/5/1953
Marg’s birthday. Sent her card & letter. Washed. I went to installation at Antwerp with Vi. Merrill went to lodge.
Diary Entry for 10/6/1953
Raining hard all day. I was on refreshments at W.S.C.S. About 20 turned out to it. Merrill cleaned out cellar & pantry.
Diary Entry for 10/7/1953
Vernon tried road test at 2:00 PM. Vernon & I went to city. Vern got candy bars for school. Merrill, Jim, & I went to Grange.
Diary Entry for 10/8/1953
I went to P.T.A. Was appointed program chairman with Mrs. Heck. Merrill plowed for Mr. Campbell.
Diary Entry for 10/9/1953
Vernon got license. Merrill plowed at Campbell’s. Ironed & baked doughnuts.
Diary Entry for 10/10/1953
Grandpa Haggerty came over. Seniors food sale at Rosbrook’s store. Made $20.00. Merrill plowed at Campbell’s. Vernon went down to farm in PM.
Diary Entry for 10/11/1953
We all went out home for dinner. Rained in PM & evening. Boys went to Sunday School.
Diary Entry for 10/12/1953
No school. Merrill finished plowing at Campbell’s in PM. Took load of machinery to farm. Boys went to 4-H at Carl Allen’s. Washed & ironed.
Diary Entry for 10/13/1953
Made cookies. Merrill & I went to city in AM. Vernon started practicing play at school.
Diary Entry for 10/14/1953
Grand day. Installation at Rebekah’s. I was installed as Past Noble Grand. About 60 present. My officers gave me car planter. Merrill & I went to lodge.
Diary Entry for 10/15/1953
Merrill helped Chapin’s on house. I went to Home Bureau at Nellie Thibault’s in evening. Glove lesson. Grandpa & I went over to Aynes.
Diary Entry for 10/16/1953
Merrill helped Chapin’s on house. Took Frank Hagan to hospital. Froze carrots.
Diary Entry for 10/17/1953
Merrill worked for town digging up water main on Clark Street. Vernon worked on hen house on farm. Grand day. Dug up bulbs. Baked.
Diary Entry for 10/18/1953
Quiet day. Boys went to Sunday School. We all went down to farm in PM. Vern worked on hen house.
Diary Entry for 10/19/1953
Washed & ironed. Merrill worked for town cleaning spring. Vernon started practicing play in evening.
Diary Entry for 10/20/1953
Merrill took rake to farm. I packed dishes in evening.
Diary Entry for 10/21/1953
Merrill worked for town on spring. Grange installation. Jim & I went. Jim is chaplain. Got letter from Mother Tryon saying Beulah & Glen’s house had burned.
Diary Entry for 10/22/1953
Froze carrots & beets. Ralph B. was here about “Boy Scouts”. Vernon went to play practice. Merrill & Jim to 4-H achievement at IOOF Hall.
Diary Entry for 10/23/1953
Washed windows on outside. Merrill took combine to farm. Grand day.
Diary Entry for 10/24/1953
Got Jim new shoes. Size 3 1/2. Vernon’s appointment with Dr. McAskill at 10:00 AM. We all went to city. Vernon had both glasses changed. Merrill got milking machine & strainer.
Diary Entry for 10/25/1953
Boys went to Sunday School. Merrill & Vernon worked on hen house in PM. Wrote letter to Uncle Berle. Worked on gloves.
Diary Entry for 10/26/1953
Little colder but nice day. Started packing living room stuff. Vernon went to play practice. Merrill went to lodge. Gave degree to Wayne H. I was suppose to go to Past Noble Grands at Vi’s but I didn’t go.
Diary Entry for 10/27/1953
Did some more packing. Merrill worked on hen house. Called about phone & electricity. Baked cookies & pies. Vernon went to play practice.