Yearly Archives: 1951

Diary Entry for 6/2/1951

Raining this morning. Clearing in PM. The men set up cement bird bath. Very nice. Vernon went to Dexter with band in evening. Baked & cleaned. Vern put 103 chicks in hen house.

Diary Entry for 6/26/1951

Nice today. Sent for Matron’s sash. Jim & I went over town in PM. Mrs. Hagan & Earl White were here. Ivan hurt in accident. [Ivan Carr. Clifford Carr’s son] Got letter from CPL Carl Tryon.

Diary Entry for 7/9/1951

Got letter from Carl. He is on his way home from Korea. I went to Juvenile Grange practice. Washed & ironed. Helped draw hay in PM until it started raining. Drawed first hay this year.

Diary Entry for 7/17/1951

Got letter from Mom. Was over to Beulah’s. Feel lazy today. Sent order to Spiegels & sent pictures. Beulah called to say Helen Ramos wasn’t coming. Carl Hall enters Army. Beulah Hall’s birthday.